Please don't screw up Classic servers

I highly doubt that.

They’re asking for changes that exist in TBC already lol. They don’t realize the very thing they want already exists.

Let’s be fair here, Blizzard has done a decent job considering it is their first time doing a project like this.

With that said, part of the TBC experience is utilizing a character from Vanilla. If you have ever played on a Fresh TBC server you would better understand how badly it goes if you would like to raid on “not the horde option”.

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You are short sited sir. Classic is a Mix of Vanilla, TBC, and wrath fans. No one is asking to destroy the classic servers. BUT you need to sort out who wants to go where… EASIEST WAY TO SORT THIS IS… Progress all the servers and offer transfers downward to ETERNAL CLASSSIC servers that way everyone that wants to play VANILLA can stay together in a well populated community. THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE because in the future you will need to do the same for TBC /WRATH to separate those players.

Think on it and you will understand what ive been saying all along is the best coarse.

and not everyone wants Wrath. The options have to be in place for Classic to exist post tbc… and tbc to exist past wrath. Because not everyone wants to have just wrath servers. Classic is a mix of all three version supporters.

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Copies are not the way. Transfers are the way to ensure the mapping of server populations are accurately done. IF copies were allowed Everyone will hedge bets and make copies and it will just be a giant fiasco. Copies will not be done.


Yes, but my point is clearly cata-sl sucks. We don’t want that and far more people want wotlk that would ever want cata. The wotlk crowd is still very substantial. What I replied to is important for context.

Agreed. I am fanatical about it. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, that guarantees that blizzard will choose copies. Because blizzard gonna blizzard. :frowning:

What we Do not want is Retail and “only” Wrath.

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They wont do copies they are not complete idiots. Copies of everything is a can of worms. a full server with 10% active players with 90% ghost copies is bad for the active players remaining. Transfers and funneling active players to fill up a server is the logical way to do it.

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Oh trust me, I’m with you. I just have 0 faith that blizzard is capable or willing to make the right decisions for the game at this point.

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Again, those of us who signed the petition in 2017 and fought all those years to have a Vanilla venue on which to play the original game NEVER demanded or expected TBC and onward. That’s not what we wanted. We played pservers all those years because that’s we liked Vanilla. It sucked because we never knew when a server would die and we would lose everything, but how is what Blizzard is considering doing now any different?


I was in that same group and I’d rather they progress to TBC. I was hopeful, but argued purely for vanilla - and TBC could come later once we won our first battle.

Copying a character to TBC should be the way they handle it.

They will likely need Classic WoW server mergers after TBC goes live, at least for certain servers.

TBC signups could start now, and they could get things reasonably balanced for TBC that way.

There are many ways to handle it, but killing Vanilla Classic is not one of them.


Why? The minority are those that want to stay there. If you leave a server in P6, it’s going to die within months at most of TBC launch. A fresh Classic server would last much longer than ghost servers.

This just hurts communities established on servers.

i signed the classic petition but i want TBC more. so there goes 1 of your statements

Mergers would need to happen for sure if they did it that way.

They’re going to need to happen if they force people who want TBC to move off. I guarantee the majority of the community would leave.

What people wanted in 2017 is irrelevant. Current polls are suggesting people want Classic TBC. I’m sure they’ll give you an option to transfer your toon to a P6 forever server where you can run around doing nothing.

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