Please don't screw up Classic servers

Don’t be a weiner. Those of us who prefer Vanilla won’t be “running around doing nothing.” You do you, OK?


What are you expecting on doing on a Phase 6 forever server? You do realize that private servers that didn’t reset eventually died off in Phase 6, why do you think Classic will be any different?

What will you do when the bulk of the community transfers off?

i was hopeing CBC or BCC would be its own server. get gear’d up enough to do Naxx and have infinite chances to get Corrupted Ashbringer

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you understand there is no difficulty in having both tbc and vanilla servers? you understand “progressing to tbc” means never being able to play vanilla on your old server again?


transfers not copies downward to a Eternal P6 Vanilla server and consolidate all the player population that wants to stay in vanilla. BEST WAY.

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your opinion

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Joyson i already know you are the copies fan. If it would be for you there would be full classic servers of copies and full tbc servers of copies and wrath servers of copies. Blizzard would love to just have so many servers of pure copies… Yeah not going to happen.

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yeah copy characters on release night. that way when you log into tbc or wrath for the first time your character is as it would be if it were transferred to the server on release night (making it balanced with everyone else who had the same thing happen). that way you get what you want and everyone also gets what they want without anyone losing anything

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But you see you do LOSE something. Your proposal Players in vanilla servers that want to stay will see a lot LESS POEPLE logging in because everyone is in TBC!.. The other way all the vanilla players are all populated on the same 1 or 2 Servers with plenty of likeminded people logged in who want to just play Vanilla. You do not see that because you are short sighted and your brain is not hardwired to think outside the box. Luckily A lot of people understand Transfers are the best way to keep the prior version intact.

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It’s just the natural progression, and nothing wrong with mergers if they are done right, it’s the natural order of things.

I’m not sure I agree. P6 servers are going to die pretty quickly, and trying to retain the community - and most people are going to be going into TBC - would be better than trying to keep people who are raidlogging happy.

There is enough player support to have at least 1 or 2 Eternal P6 servers. For each version Vanilla,TBC, Wrath

I don’t raid log and I don’t even raid. I do have all of my Dungeon Set 2 armor, though, and certain other hard-to-obtain items. I want to keep that character and my other characters and continue playing them. I don’t care about Phase 6, Naxx, or any of it. I haven’t even leveled all my reputations yet, and I have many alts that are nowhere near level cap. I don’t want to lose any of it… that’s why I came back to Blizzard. If Blizzard needs to merge servers after TBC hits, that’s fine, but I don’t want them screwing up my Classic characters in any way.

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How do you know? We’re still in the first cycle of Classic, and who knows how many are not going to want to stay or do it all over again when TBC is available. I wouldn’t be opposed to doing it again - after the progression has run its course.

And that’s fine. My suggestion is to open up Classic-only servers and allow players to move there. Just don’t be surprised when they eventually dry up.

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Which is why copies wont be done it will be transfers… lets do the math with examples lets say there are 40 classic servers now and all stay because blizzard decides to copy the whole pizza pie of classic. Then… those 40 classic servers become very spared and say blizzard decides to merge 20 into 1… that means you have to merge 20 servers and their whole slew of copies into 1 server. That is bad logistics right there. And you lose subs due to frustrated players on low pop servers waiting for company to implement mergers where you could of already had everyone grouped from the get go from them electing to stay on a Eternal Classic server from the get go!

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i agree with you on the opening classic only servers and allow transfers. That is the way to do it.

server merge

server merge