Please don't screw up Classic servers

Blizzard, please, don’t screw with Classic. If you force us to “progress” our characters to TBC–or worse, if you wipe (reset) Classic servers so that we lose our level 60 characters with our hard-won gear–then I am done with you forever. I represent only three accounts, but I promise that they will be gone.

Seriously, those of us (among the 280K petition-signers) who love Classic waited 15 years for you to finally give us what we wanted. We never asked for TBC or anything after Classic. Just let us have our game and leave us alone. Please.

In return, we will continue to pay our subscription fees.


Yeah and then theres a huge portion who have and continue to see classic as a TBC waiting room. I


I signed that petition and I want to go to tbc. You’re like 10% of the total pop who only wants vanilla.


Really, 10 percent? Did you pull that number out of your butt? Link to your source, please. Of those who signed the petition for official Blizzard support for Classic, you’re claiming that only 10 percent want to stay with their Classic servers? Get real.


Lol the player surveys have 90% wanting tbc.

That vid has a link to a player survey with almost 7k responses. Every other survey I’ve seen is the same. You’re just living in your delusion that the majority don’t want tbc. Even madseasons poll shows it. scroll down on the madseason vid to see the poll links.

You get real. Very very few want vanilla forever. You’ll get your perma classic server. The rest of us will progress our current servers to tbc.


I’m with Rozen here. I think the majority population would prefer to go to TBC, and I think classic servers will be dead in a very short time. I think lots of people would choose to copy their classic character to a classic server, but will rarely log in, and those who do regularly will feel super abandoned. Just my opinion, but I don’t really know anyone personally who wants to stay strictly in classic.


What you’re referring to is Phase 6 forever, but the polls talk about “fresh” Classic. Only 7% of players are keen on Classic fresh, so probably even less are interested in Phase 6 forever. You’re delusional if you think you’ll be able to raid Naxx forever.

I’ve been saying this for ages… those who wan’t perma classic are fanatical about it.


Na tbc like normal. Don’t change anything. They will open up fresh classic servers when tbc gets stale.


The flaw in the survey is that it was sent to the entire WoW player base, not just Classic players.


Anyone can go vote on it. The ones that I linked are classic players voting. You can pretend like I’m wrong all you want. The best thing you can do is prepare yourself for when Blizzard tells you I am right in Feb. We are progressing to TBC. You can go play on your classic server with the few who want that.

Here are madseasons polls. His classic following is massive.

9.1k votes on this one:

9.3k votes on this one:

8.9k votes on this one:

9.9k votes on this one:

Something you need to realize is there are going to be a bunch of people who don’t play classic that will come back for TBC. There is also a lot of people who only played classic in the hopes we would get TBC.


I’ve heard some pservers have gone on for quite a while after hitting Naxxramas. Why would official Blizzard servers be any different?

Also, I feel like people are misunderstanding the OP here. I think he just wants his vanilla land to remain. And I agree with him. I want the same. I don’t want my progress wiped by an expansion. The biggest reason I was drawn to Classic was the opportunity to actually be able to squeeze everything I possibly could out of it without having to worry about being forced into the next expansion where everything I did is useless.

But this doesn’t mean we can’t get TBC as well. Not sure why people think we can have one but not the other.


I’ve been to Molten Core twice, ZG once, and I’m not Onyxia keyed – and I’ve been playing since launch.

I thought the big idea about Vanilla/Classic is that it wasn’t a raiding simulator where level 60 endgame was the whole thing?


Keeping servers active isn’t the same as keeping the game alive. If a few sweaties can self-sustain and keep raiding Naxx forever then more power to them, but let’s not sit here and pretend like that’s what a lot of people want or will be doing.

Sure, that’s fine. He can have that. But he has to realize that after a certain time all it’ll be is a museum piece, and Blizzard will pull the plug eventually. Private servers were always wiped some time after Naxx release, either because they were shut down or population dwindled. It’s been the natural course of things with Vanilla WoW for the past decade.

Well, this is a multiplayer game. If you want to play by yourself on a dead server though, knock yourself out.

TBC private servers always die before Sunwell. Wrath is what the people really want.

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I’m hearing comments that the server of the classic will become Burning Crusade, for the love of Elune Blizzard, DO NOT do that, I’m sure there are many players who want to have the experience of playing the classic one day, or want to stay in the classic, join all servers in the classic and leave 2 or 3 servers for these people and create new servers for Burning Crusade giving the option to transfer the character of the classic to Burning Crusade to whoever you want but DO NOT end up with the classic servers.


I may agree with your original sentiment, but quite honestly having multiboxers threaten to quit is not going to garner much sympathy from single account players.

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Yup. Said it before and will say it again: the moment they announced the bundled sub, polls became worthless.


As much as I like the poll results these types of on line pols don’t contain valid data. Anyone can vote so there is no way to know how many of those who voted play classic. And the numbers are likely skewed towards those who watch the streamer sponsoring the poll and they would overwhelmingly agree with him. It’s a self selected group and not a representative sample. I hope the polls are accurate since they support what I would like to see happen but they can’t be used as evidence of what the player base truly wants.


Exactly. Thank you. We were the ones who signed the petition in 2017 and have been fighting all these years to get Blizzard-sanctioned Classic servers. All we want is for Blizzard to leave us alone and let us play our game the way we want. Stop screwing with it.