Please don't screw up Classic servers

tell that to moonkin, paladins and another other hybrid class that got borked by Kevin Jordan

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Classic only players like myself need not worry. Sure, a lot of people are gonna leave but its not some tragic loss by any stretch.

After the dust settles there’ll be enough people to populate at least a couple active servers that will serve them just as well if not better after the TBC split.


I can’t believe they would dare to do such a thing, especially after they saw the “bring back classic” movement. Anyhow, I’m long gone too if it ever happens … again .


Actually, thats how surveys work. When they say “The average american does this” or “1 in 5 do that” its not based on the entire population, just a large portion and they math it out from there


They people that want another TBC release will then want a Wrath release, and then on to Cata and on and on and on, before too long we’ll hear about how BfA was ACTUALLY the height of WoW.

They just want to start progression all over again. It was never really about Classic.

Blizz might cater to this and have a server for each xpac, but I doubt they will inconvenience real Classic players over it.


It’s exactly the way I see it. The herd will be gone after TBC classic, or WotLK classic. These expansions will never have the same hardcore audience than Vanilla imo.


I have no idea what you are trying to do. It appears to be something I’m against. Plus, I’m pretty sure I know what blizzard is going to do. The same thing they always do.

You realize that not all servers have that problem right? You are more than welcome to give away your gold. My server doesn’t have those problems.

It’s funny when people say this considering all the changes people have begged for all through classic. Most of which are present in TBC.

They people that want another TBC release will then want a Wrath release, and then on to Cata and on and on and on, before too long we’ll hear about how BfA was ACTUALLY the height of WoW.

False. We don’t want anything past wotlk. Cata-SL is garbage.

Classic is far more of a raiding simulator than Modern WoW has been in years. The only way to get good gear in Classic is devote your life to an insane PvP grind that is fraught with exploitation, or raid.

You’re assuming that everyone cares about raiding. Do you really think everyone who wants to stay in Classic are going to be doing nothing else but raiding? If raiding was all there is to the game, then that statement might be correct. But that’s not the case. There is far more to the game than “Naxx forever.” I personally don’t give a fat flying flip about raids or end game. I know that many people who love Classic feel the same. It’s about the changes to the very essence of how the game plays and feels. TBC changed all the classes, not just added content.


If you removed raiding from the game, you’d be able to fit everyone who cared about what’s left in a single server. Even at prime-time, there’s less than 2,000 people doing Battlegrounds across 37 servers. Removing raiding also removes everyone that’s out there right now farming for their raids.

Classic is a raiding game for most people.

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I’m surprised that I agree with you on something but yeah. It’s ridiculous that they think they’re going to keep all these servers for the handful of players who stick around. They’re all gonna have to be on the same server to have any kind of community.

People really want to raid Naxx over and over again forever? Really?

We probably agree on a million things.

And? Theyre gonna get to TBC and not ask for changes?

These troglodytes are already calling for a no changes Classic TBC, on the basis that the purpose is to “recreate” TBC. They don’t see any issue with how Classic turned out.

This has got to be one of my favorite quotes on here. I swear, it sums up 90% of all Internet forums.

I cracked up so hard =D

I don’t intend to raid Naxx at all. I just want to play Vanilla(ish) WoW.


I’ve been playing Classic since Day 1. I’ve spent most of my time doing low level BG’s on multiple characters (and having a blast).

Eventually, I would like to progress some characters and do other content that Vanilla has to offer. Vanilla, to me, wasn’t just about raiding (I have yet to do it).

I do hope a COPY of our characters are maintained. I still have a lot of things to do in Classic, and I also would enjoy playing TBC.

I hope they don’t kill my choices.