Please don't ruin raiding

Actually, they do. As players more highly committed to playing the game than casuals who often are just whatever, elites dominate the discussion on game forums in general.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but a lot of casuals don’t come to the forums because of elitist toxicity. They don’t enjoy being trashed by players like you who constantly judge them and then make up strawmen to criticize them for.

You are not a tiny group of nobles manning the barricades at the castle moat to keep barbarians out.

And this topic (adding mythic+ affixes to raids) has actually come up several times in the past few months. Each time it was brought up by nobodies who didn’t do elite content of any sort. And each time it was uniformly criticized by raiders. Actual raiders hated the idea.

What does that make you, aside from someone who is paranoid and thinks they are unfairly under attack for using extreme hyperbole to criticize casuals for things they never did?

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I’d prefer content drought tbh. How many times have we ran these dungeons/raids? No one likes tashavash. Raiders don’t like m+ BC of the afflixes. The drought provides players a little time away from the game b4 the new xpac. Without it, people just burn out.

Depending on how everything plays out, I’ll probably unsub until the new xpac during s4. I don’t need to waste time on recycled garbage.

agreed, i quit CN and skipped sanct for a reason, the only thing im mad about is i was actually serious about raiding in 9.2 and then this happens. sigh, o well…

stop snorting adderall in the morning and youll come out of warp speed. not everything has to be red bull gives you wings gogogogogogogogogogo fast.

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Do we know we won’t get anything next season or are we just assuming?

I could see Blizzard enabling triple leggo just to increase the hype of season 4. Seems very low effort on their part - they could tune outliers after the fact.

I think anything with a timer is bad for raiding, which I dont think they’ll add. I also don’t think redoing a raid with an affix should be the only option. I do however think it’s a fun idea that could be added without replacing anything.

Hello 2018, oh wait… nah raiding won’t be ruined mate

I feel like there are so many things they could reach back into and make relevant. There’s the Class Order Halls. Put some quests in those for maybe some cosmetic sets, even recolors of say the Nighthold tier sets. Send us back to Suramar and let us run around and kill rares, make some events, let it drop some gear. They could even use the Legion invasions or whatever the N’zoth invasions were called. I doubt it would take them that much work, the stuff is already there.

They could use timewalking in a bigger way during these down times. Maybe timewalking for whole past patches. Want to relive Timeless Isle, timewalking patch 5.4 is here. To me that’s much better than doing the same dungeons and raids you’ve been doing for 2 years over and over and over and over. This team is not innovative enough for all of that though. They are out of ideas.

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I don’t raid to deal with extra BS like what’s in M+. It’s more about being with friends and accomplishing things. Keep the extra crap out of it.


Ehh, i’m quite indifferent to recycling content and content drought here, i mean one of the expansions is 1/3’s that anyways, and Timewalking as well Mage tower exists. But i do agree there should be new content to go along with it in addition, and i’m a touch worried on how soloing old content would play out.

:roll_eyes: …Hang on, let me fix that. :memo:

Like a Jawbreaker. A Mouthful, but sweet. :ok_hand:

Well we did defeat the Jailer… :thinking:

But then again, one of the first raids of TBC where we defeat Illidan, who is agruebly the big baddy… as well Gul’dan from Legion… :thinking:

Not to mention, they can always try to pull a 2 or so boss raid.

Maybe try an experimental raid that has nothing to do with story or isn’t powered by story and just have a bit of fun with it… like… “Oh Hogger’s back! and he somehow teammed up with the murlocs because he made the deal with the jailer as well, go and stop him”, and with some stuff like looting extra chests like in Blackrock depths and etc. Take from what is in Torghast, adapt it to a raid and see how well it works.

But all of the things you mentioned would take work. Not only that, but the people who understand that content (because they created it) have moved on to companies that appreciate their style of creativity. Or they just plain pay better.

Adding affixes to mythic raids and expecting players to pay to alpha test the process is a total win for current blizzard management.

People can unsub until it goes live if they’re worried about wasting $

They weren’t getting anything regardless. SL would otherwise just be 9.2.5 till whenever 10.0 hits. At least now folks can have a little variety if they want to have something to do.


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I heard Lore quit yesterday… I didn’t see a thread about it on the main page. Could mean nothing or it could mean that blizzard is still having problems behind the scenes

You literally have a ton of content. Not even remotely close to “nothing”

Raiding is not the only thing in this game.

You are not required to do M+ or M+ Raiding.

They have already ruined raiding before recycling old content.

It’s kind of funny that GD thinks scaling up old raids and adding additional mechanics is going to be something they can actually complete when the majority of players don’t finish normal.

The backlash is gonna be hilarious if they follow through with this. I’ll sit and wait.

Raid affixes sound absolutely terrible.

I wouldn’t want them to make what Season 4 is a standard thing for EVERY season going forward. That’d be awful.

But I think it has a place as a bit of end-of-xpack “do what you want” silliness. You know, the timeframe where everyone is so OP balance no longer matters anyway and either you’d just be farming garbage anyway or not playing at all because you’re “done”.