Please don't remove addons

Yup. I did it for all my toons, both horde and alliance. Didn’t want to join anyone else’s crappy guild so I made my own guild.

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I am totally doing this when I get home.

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Just remember that when you do the post guild thing in the finder interface you put a description like “for my alts” or something so others don’t think it’s ok to apply to it.


Which one was questie

You don’t know what Questie is, that what you’re asking me?

EDIT: Questie put quest objectives on the map, to make questing easier. Something Retail has implemented in its system, now. Classic doesn’t have that function 'cause it’s supposed to replicate Vanilla.

That definitely gave players way too much of an advantage

I disagree because now it’s implemented in the Retail version of the game. Meaning, that addon was a good idea.

That being said, I use Questie, in Classic. I still use online guides to smooth out the quests because Retail quests are much more streamlined than Classic. Questie doesn’t streamline the quests, for you. I use online guides, for that.

Ok, so THAT explains the weird rash of basement-dwellers suddenly advocating for their removal. I thought it sounded like sheep bleeting.

Yeah that’s what I had to do back in legion and decided it was easier to have an alt account for inviting (comboed with other things I wanted to get done quicker).

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Just cause there isn’t blizz approved swiping doesn’t mean there aren’t swipers. Loads of people getting gold through illicit means to then pay their way to scarab lord plus gear out in gdkp.

he also says lost ark is a good game so take it with a grain of salt :stuck_out_tongue:

Improve the UI and make it far more customizable out of the box.
Better visual and audio callouts for mechanics.

Do those two things, and a lot of addons won’t be needed, anyways.

“Ok,…Ok,…Dude; Ok”…"we have a “Classic Andy, here…”

They really need to make a developer mode for wow. I remember back in mop they had proc rates on trinkets but since nothing, and they’ve even pruned the character stat panel and hid options in the interface panel (needing Advanced interface options or knowledge of exact cvars).

Also it’s just plan stupid they hide earnable/still in game mounts, toys, mogs in the collection panel. But then leave years removed unobtainables like CM phoenixes.

Lastly the achievement interface is pitiful.

No doubt a lot of these things are likely toned down just to not overwhelm people otherwise why do these oversimplifications years later.

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did i say there was nobody swiping? i said you don’t have to swipe to be relevant. Gear used to drop from bosses and that was it. now you need hundreds of thousand of gold to afford piece of gear that might be irrelevant on the next patch note because someone cried you outdpsed them.

scarab lord is literally irrelevant to gameplay, its another flashy rare cosmetic to pull in the casual who are all about transmog and no show.

Original Poster. I’m not a betting person but if I were to place one, it would be that Blizzard is not going to do away with addons. I’d put a lot of money on it too.

Oh no you’re a gear mattering player.

How’s your dft, NT, perdition’s blade, quickstrike etc suiting you in tbcc? You did get 99s back then right?

Gear means nothing but as tools to accomplish goals more effectively. And even worse is good gear being wasted on bad players that can’t parse well, because at least then you can show something later on if you can parse.

Mounts, titles, transmog have permanence. Gear does not. And only the things that last have meaning.

personal attack, nice. another proof retail turned people in the more toxic thing that can be.

permanence? this is a video game friend. its literally pixel out of thin air.
Come back to reality, they owe you nothing. if they wanted they could pull the plug tomorrow and you won’t be able to do nothing about it.

meaning to who? you? yeah like i said its a video game, not real life.

Only took them almost 20 years to add bartender and clique functionality.

I don’t think they should remove them, but with how many issues get solved with “get x addon”, you can kind of see the point they’re trying to make. They definitely have a lot of work to do in just catching up to addon quality of life, let alone small combat enhancing addons like Weakauras.