I don’t have time to dedicate myself to guilds. Even “casual” guilds will kick me out 'cause I can’t promise to log in X amount of times. It’s just easier and less stressful for me to not be in a guild. Plus, I like quiet chats. I just want to play a game. I don’t play this game the way most (not all) play it, anyway. I lock myself at level 40 and spam Chromie Time dungeons and deal with my Garrison and try to 100% a lot of old world stuff. And, I try to work on professions.
I pug 100% of my runs and I’ve come to the conclusion that around an 18 or 19, the groups fall apart fast and are more of a waste of time than anything else. I, personally am capable of doing 20s, but I don’t have the time, not willing to invest more of my life in anymore more at this point in my life.
On your second point, coordination in the runs I usually do don’t require that level of coordination. And I’m not a fanboy of anything, especially weirdos trying to kill an internet boss before someone else does.
No casual guild would ever kick you out for not logging in unless you didn’t for 3 months or something. Another ridiculous thing.
Uhh. I’m like in 10+ random/dead guilds on characters I login in 2-4 times a month. No obligations for logging in. I don’t talk with anyone nor even say hello.
Also there is a thing called making your own guild and then inviting all your alts (either use close friend or list up guild in the interface and have alts apply to it) in it.
The game has gotten so complicated as a result of add-ons, it’s basically unplayable without them. So no, don’t ban add-ons… otherwise this game will be an unplayable mess.
IMHO: this situation is really not OK.
Not really that simple. Game is designed now with addons in mind. If someone chooses to not use addons then dies in the fire during a raid, then asked if they have DBM, saying no can get you kicked or told to get DBM.
I have been kicked out of guilds before due to no activity.
IK that, but it’s still a lot of work to create it, in the first place. And, I shouldn’t have to do that, to avoid these spammers.
Again, there’s no excuse for these players to get away with spamming. It’s against the rules.
EDIT: I (also) play more Classic than Retail. 30 minute hearth is nothing compared to the 1hr it was in Classic. Plus, I have a Garrison Hearth, and the way I play, I have a route, I do, and it doesn’t take me long to reach/find a rested area.
While I’ll concede that some addons might go too far in some respects, others are the difference between a playable and unplayable game.
Highlighting feedback and overly subtle events amidst the scrum of the game’s content is hardly out of line or uncalled for. Smoothing out glaring wrinkles in a galumphing interface, and moving info from a buried sub-menu to the HUD is fine. Organization and sorting addons for sprawling collections? Great. RP addons? Well someone has to hold up the RP in this MMORPG
Also, you can pry my ArkInventory from my cold dead hands.
The current parade of ADDONSRBAD! hot takes are just cries for attention. Ignore them and move on.
A friendly reminder that they’ll never remove addons, so fear not.
I play a lot, in the outside world. IK where FPs are and a lot of rested areas. My favorite rested area is actually the one out in Drustvar with the giant stag as the innkeeper LOL
EDIT: There’s way more FPs and rested areas in Retail than Classic, that I hardly ever have to use my hearthstone.
Best Inn Location Ever LOL
EDIT: There’s no mailbox nor bank nor FP, but I really love this inn LOL
EDIT 2: I have more fun exploring in the game, for random things.
Oh OK, I’m reading the comments, and it’s a Druid only inn. It’s literally a patch of grass and some trees, as a rested area. You can’t even vendor, unless you got a vendor mount. This is more entertaining to me than raiding. The more you explore and find out
EDIT: I was on my Druid, when I discovered this location. The “Nature’s Beacon” should really take Druids here.
The best expansion was classic, were you didnt have to swipe your card to afford/acquire gear and legendary and you didnt have to grind renown or any other nonsense useless system to be relevant.
Retail wow as turn into a clown show where everyone play solo and if someone interfere it’s: ‘you don’t pay for my sub don’t tell me what to do’.
Anyway, I got off-track there. Even if I was raiding, I’ve had DBM, before. I don’t think I ever had Weak Auras. After I stopped raiding, I had no need for DBM. And just ended up with purely cosmetic and RP addons.
I’ll still say the guild invite addon needs to go or stop having the whisper function.
Or, “don’t use addons, then” when certain addons via the guild invite addon still interferes with other people, even if they don’t have it (which I don’t nor ever will).
It’s actually a very loud minority of BAD players that want addons removed because addons expose to the world how mediocre these players actually are. Hardcore players might wish that there was less reliance on some in-combat weakauras, but that’s really just it.
Before Blizz outright just bans DBM, maybe they should have it incorporated into their own game. I’m surprised Questie made into Retail but not DBM, when both addons (at the time) have been around since Vanilla.
EDIT: Even in the Classic forums (at least, during its prime), there were complaints about Questie being a “cheating” addon
Can’t really say I have since I’ve always been part of a guild. The last time I remember a guild invite AddOn being a problem was back when cashflow was still a thing and anyone could click a button and invite the entire server.
So yeah, sure, get rid of it. It doesn’t affect me, so I really don’t care if it’s gone, and if it really is disrupting people, then it really probably should be.
I found the inn on my alt ally druid. I set her hearth there from the start of bfa till shadowlands. Love that location.
Wait does this actually work? I have alts that are unguilded and it would be cool to get them in my guild bank guild.