Please don't remove addons

Funny, i’m casual and i have like 80+ addons. :thinking:

Nothing. He’s locked in my basement. :grin:

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No not all addons. I can’t fathom why anyone would want every addon ever created implemented in to the game and to come to that conclusion seems a bit silly. I did write the sentence you qouted with the assumed clarity for the reader that mainstream addons were what was being referred to so apologies if that didn’t come across well. Only the most commonly used. Let me clarify.

DBM would be non existent because you need it now to improve visibility on stuff. Fix the issues these attempt to address and they aren’t relevant. Sometimes despite what Blizzard does have, its probably too easy to overlook Q’s from the bosses etc. DBM or Bigwigs just makes it easier so either implement or simplify while still keeping it engaging…problem solved. Easy to do verse saying it? Obviously not an overnight process but its entirely doable where the will to do so exists. There is certainly a difference between DBM notifications and an emote from the boss…hence the reason the addons that modify the notifications exist. They are more noticeable than the in game tells and players prefer that by and large, as the presence and prolific use of DBM/Bigwigs suggests.

Bartender/Dominos. Pretty straight forward. You cant move anything with Blizzard UI, or rather not the last time I interacted with it. Implement those. Again. Incredible download volume.

Elvui…same. I dont like its aesthetics but I respect what it can do for sure. I probably never spent enough time tinkering with it though to be fair. Visually I felt like I didnt know where to find the visuals I was used to but I think the generic black borderless background was part of that issue. Either way I didnt use the UI to its fullest for sure.

Weakauras/Tellmewhen. Same. Implement the customizability that those offer. Issue solved. Cooldown visibility alone is a huge asset. Fairly straight forward. Certainly in implementation and changing the game itself some things would fade away for all of these addons mentioned though.

Sexymaps I use. Just makes things look better.

I dont use rarescanner, M+timer, bugsack, grail, rematch, saved instances, WA(I use TMW), handinotes.

Your mod about changing class color and font. Thats what Ive done for my UI. The base UI doesnt offer anything like this. I like a mild to moderate implementation of class color in my UI and for it to auto apply to the class Im on etc.

Experiencer. Love that. Assuming thats the one with an adjustable bar and the ability to track 3 separate faction reps at once. Or other stuff too. Class color capable.

All the Things isnt essential at all. Unless you are a collector. I have it. There again…base UI sucks. Say I want a weapon appearance. Game just gives me a name and maybe a boss that I can get it from.

Id rather something clickable that expands out and is more informative and might even indicate the presence of an alternate source for the same appearance…basically a better UI that ATT provides but actually be the base UI for players who love to collect.

I have no idea how many other addons I use but Im sure it exceeds 20. I have no idea the usage of RAM. I would love to know what your RAM usage is like. If you have 4 Gigs of RAM then sure…RAM usage matters. 8 was the standard for a while and certainly adequate. Now though I think people are using 16? Im at 32 on my home PC so I dont care what the usage is…it will never matter. I of course realize everyone has something different etc so hopefully that comes across in this part of my response.

What is blatantly clear though is that for 10+ years, sure Blizzard has implemented some minor UI changes over the years but overall the UI has remained essentially the same for 10+ years. Thats their choice. Meanwhile competitors have chosen to up the bar. I was blown away that I could move the bars in FF14 the second I got in to the game AND there was a tutorial on how to manipulate the UI. Certainly it didnt cover everything nor would I expect that…but at least it offered something.

Blizzard has continued to ignore these issues and this neglect in culmination with everything else has brought them where they are now. What they are doing now with the UI isnt aw inspiring…it was expected a long time ago and ignored…so players did it.

They do notice such things…hence questhelper style addons from a long time ago that were not the base UI but are now implemented. They just arent prioritizing it until now.

I would imagine it wouldnt be too difficult for Blizzard to indicate potential RAM usage for UI changes and allow users to adjust accordingly by turning such features on and off as needed to suite their PCs capability but how much money and developer time is that?

yeah that’s the point.

it’s zero risk to them.

and yet expansion after expansion more functions that used to only be from add-ons are incorporated into the actual game.

Nothing is going to happen to addons. Agenda posters :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: come on here and post about addons because they get angry about something in game. They get undercut quickly on the AH and think it’s bots running TSM. Just ignore them, their threads are a total waste of time.

Just ignore the crybabies who think addons are some Great Satan that’s ruining their game time.

Somehow and for reasons.

So which youtuber made a video about addons? Topics like this don’t show up in multiple threads out of no where.

Please don’t remove addons. I have OCD and I need my WoW UI set up in a very precise way.

Azz-Mong-Teef did. He did an interview with Ion.

I agree. The addons that should be removed are any of the spammy Guild Invite Addons.

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Or when you use them in pvp to gain an advantage

And the universe will undergo heat death when black holes evaporate and protons become unstable. Nihilism and absurdist hypotheticals are cringe crutches for an argument.

It doesn’t have to last for the absolutist term of forever. Just longer than other things.

Stop ya right there. Alot of people do require you have certain add-ons or they will not group with you. Also the game is being designed that you have these addons and this effects everyone rather you download them or not.

But now we’re all chasing and Judged on Gear score as it was made into the Game

And now we all are forced to be graded on M+ since IT TOO was made into the game.

I wouldn’t worry about it. It would be suicide to remove addons.

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Yes and they should get rid of keybinds and macros too.

macros and keybinds are a part of the game. I don’t understand your thought process. Both of those things are standard with install

Blizzard should just make a bigger effort incorporating widespread popular addon functionalities to the base game so that people that don’t do all the research to figure out whats what are not so awfully far behind the people that do. Thats this whole discussion wrapped up. It shouldn’t come in phases but rather be under constant revisement. The game should have a base level DBM/Bigwigs functionality with timers for mechanics and pvp objectives most of all

After that they should probably look at some of the more popular weakauras.

Progression raid teams say hello.

Again, progression raid teams say hello.

I think you’re misreading the situation.

It’s the ornery casual “veteran” players that want addons to be removed. They’ve been clickers and keyboard turners for 10 years, and they have seen the expectation of good performance balloon in the last 2 expansions.

They are being left out of content because they are unwilling to keep up with the times, and they are upset and vengeful at those who are.

I resent this. I consider myself to be “casual”, and I still click and keyboard turn. I don’t take issue with DBM nor Weak Auras. I voluntarily don’t raid 'cause I enjoy other things about the game, but I use other addons that I don’t want to see go away due to the hatred towards DBM and/or Weak Auras.

I’m on the side of not removing addons. But, I’m (also) on the side of certain (not all) addons needing to be looked into for cheating and/or general rule breaking, like the Guild Invite addon practically being a spam addon.