Please don't queue as a fresh 120 with 80k health and 230 ilvl

Seriously don’t join BG queues unless you are minimum 325 where you become somewhat useful. 325 can be done in a few hours doing world quests, heroics, and auction house items.

I have alliance and horde alts and this is a massive problem on alliance. You are seriously holding your team back by queueing up with no gear or health. It’s not fun for anyone except the enemy team and its extremely selfish to expect to be carried by geared players.

Alliance doesn’t win battlegrounds a lot because of this. Compound that fact with alliance rarely doing objectives makes it frustrating to play over on alliance which is a shame because I enjoy both factions and I have played dual factions since forever.


Do rated if you want evenly geared teams.


I am decently geared and can safely say go ahead and queue as some of you 80kers are probably more useful than the OP :slight_smile:


Seriously don’t join BG queues unless you are minimum 400 where you become somewhat useful. 400can be done in a few hours doing world quests, heroics, and auction house items.

I have alliance and horde alts and this is a massive problem on alliance. You are seriously holding your team back by queueing up with no gear or health. It’s not fun for anyone except the enemy team and its extremely selfish to expect to be carried by geared players.

Alliance doesn’t win battlegrounds a lot because of this. Compound that fact with alliance rarely doing objectives makes it frustrating to play over on alliance which is a shame because I enjoy both factions and I have played dual factions since forever.


Get used to disappointment.


…not realizing that pvp scaling is pretty busted and not ideal atm…

Player1(150k hp) crits Player2(150k hp) for sweet 15% of his healthpool (22,500 dmg)

Player1(150k hp) now crits Player3(85k hp) for a sweet 15% of his healthpool too! (12,750 dmg) Even though Player1 will still see “22,500” on their screen

This is pretty much what people have uncovered about how ilvl scaling in pvp is working right now. Low ilvl players hit for what seems to be a low number, but it translates onto the receivers end for quite a bit more, and vice versa.

The good new is it isn’t as bad as season 1: Joining arenas/BGs as a fresh 120 in all greens made you actually do MORE damage than geared out players in many cases. At least now its more even and perhaps tilted towards the geared player’s favor a bit.

Overall, stop wasting your energy ranting or giving undergeared pvpers grief. Why? Because it doesn’t really result in what you expect. What I will say though is that I can absolutely bet there are many coincidental situations where the undergeared player also just really sucks, which results in the poor dmg/deaths/kills you’d associate with low ilvl (especially Alliance :wink: )


Fresh 120 should be closer to 260.

Also, if you’re that concerned about gear, run a premade or rateds.

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I don’t think gear matters as such for randoms … it’s more of please do objectives , don’t fight on the roads and don’t pick up solo fights for no reason . Want to show how good you are 1-1 , or 2-2 do a duel or do arenas .


You play your game. Dont tell others how to play their game

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You can’t say that. RPers, prima donnas and twinks won’t have anything to say on the forums anymore.

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So a fresh 120 who participates in the objective and can output some nice heals/dps is useless compared to a geared prick who just fights on roads and stuff?


It’s a nice sentiment and all. Do you think the person who queued in quest greens is reading the battleground forums?

No, but people like feeling like they’re telling others what to do over the internet. The comforts of sitting behind the anonymity of your keyboard and monitor giving orders to random people.


Please pve before you pvp…something no pvper should ever need to hear. Welcome to BfA


80ish k health is fine just don’t make them sit a base. In a team fight they will do comparable damage but their survivability won’t be on par.

Imo blizzard needs to raise the scaling a bit more for those that are undergeared. Some along the lines of under 300-320 ilvl you are counted as being 340ish ilvl.


I love it when solo defenders just run away when they see me coming in so I can take their s#@t without a fight.

The OP literally says “PLEASE” in the first word of his title.

Because running premades somehow guarantees that the other people outside of your group are geared or something.

Will you please shut the…


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I’ve read the post there is nothing inside of it that is insulting other than saying that a fresh 120 who hasn’t done any work on their gear is useless in PvP.

Saying they are useless is an overstatement, but they definitely put your team at a serious disadvantage.