Unless you pay my monthly subscription - I’ll play how I want which includes joining random bg’s as a fresh lvl 120.
/slow clap
Well if they run away and let you cap the base then they are not doing objectives are they lol
I see ppl have duels on roads in Epic BG’s all the time far away from bases , keeps … you are not helping your team to win with that .
Methinks someone got whomped by someone with those snazzy Shoulder’s of the Champion gear Magni gives ya.
Don’t blame both sides for those 1v1 fights on the road though. If a rogue opens on some guy heading to an objective then you have to expect the guy to fight back rather than just die.
Also, cutting people off from getting to an objective is a valid action.
When the gates are down and you are doing a 1-1 at the refinery or quarry in IOC, that’s a problem. Especially when you die and go running back there to continue the ‘fight’
The point is that saying please doesn’t automatically make someone’s comment noble. For starters, it’s all in caps. It’s also telling people to stop doing something that isn’t against the rules. What do you think was expected?
View any thread and you’ll see the title shows up in all caps.
I always agree that it’s your subscription, you can do/play as you want. I just think it’s funny that in FFXIV, most maintain that it isn’t a valid argument, that if enough people want you to do something, you’re obligated to.
The title is always in all caps. It’s part of this forum’s formatting.
I’m not reading that way. I read it more as a plea (with an explanation) rather than a command. I think I’d only take issue with the word “useless” a good player doing objectives can be useful even if their gear is subpar but that heavily depends on the map. Some maps require you to be battle-ready to be able to contribute effectively.
edit: He also said they are “selfish.” Some are, for sure, but not all. There should be different bracket levels for different item levels but it would probably really screw up the queue times.
I’ll give you that. I guess I never paid enough attention to that to care but thank you for pointing it out. I still maintain though that I’ve seen several times, people stick “please” into a comment thinking it makes it ok by default.
I guess it’s all in how you “take” it. People in this BG forum do take things different ways and many others also take comments completely out of context on a daily basis.
I was more or less reinforcing what Pushead said. In addition, people here like to try catching flies with vinegar than honey.
I have been leveling toons through bg’s exclusively the last few xpacks (I get no enjoyment from questing or anything rep related), with the exception of a few quests that you needed to do. This xpack takes the cake. When I dinged 120 I had 55k health in my first bg at 120. No point to do so anymore, you gotta play the way Blizzard wants you to play now. Working as intended.
Always amazes me when someone tries to tell others what to do with something they paid for. So many narcissistic bubbles to pop so little time.
Could very well have said it, rubbed his hands together, walked away thinking “I’ve just made the world a better place.”
People generally don’t care unless the other person is doing something that has a potential negative impact on them.
I think that fresh 120s should be able to just do BGs and gear up that way. I also think they should be in a bracket with other people of a similar item level so they don’t have a negative impact on other players.
You could even fill the rosters in that “starter” bracket with some of the AI NPCs so the queue isn’t horrible. That way the new players don’t have a negative impact on characters who are geared and also it gives the new players a bit of time to “learn their new class” without getting stomped by people with higher item level and fleshed out azerite traits.
They do have BGs bracketed by Honor levels, so actual new players (new to Legion and BfA anyway) aren’t in with the vets.
Honor levels != item level.
Yes, I understand that.
My general feeling for the game at the moment is that an experienced player on a fresh 120 alt is going to lose to an average player with 400 item level (although they would have a better chance in BFA than some other expansions).
That is somewhat dependent on class matchup.
Haha, this makes no sense but thanks for the feedback bud