Please dont let raider IO or anything like it into classic

That isn’t the case, the argument is that Raider IO is a PUG specific tool. I’ll use myself as an example, I know in legion that I can do M+10 just fine, the issue with this is that raider io bases your ‘skill’ on a timed metric that ultimately benefits those who run those mythics at the start of every week.

This is the issue here, player A: is looking for players to run X dungeon on mythic+10, player B: is capable, has the gear, the necessary skill and has done mythic+10, yet based on the score system alone player B is NOT accepted because of a low number despite being capable, having the gear and the necessary skill and on top of that has done M+10s before.

Gear score and raider io provide players a tool to stroke their already inflated egos and gives them the ability to talk crap about others who they feel is ultimately worse than they are.

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Yes but if you dont have a score that means you have not done the instance well… so that just means either the person has done the instance poorly or has never done it before. Either way thats a reason a number of people might wanna exclude someone because there are plenty of applications so you prob want to take the one you either have to teach or is just bad.

Agreed. I hope they keep add-ons like raider IO out of classic wow. they have the potential to really diminish the spirit of the game.

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How does player A know that he has the skill/gear to complete it?

Cause player B says so? Cause everyone is completely honest and accurate in self assessment of skill/capabilities…

If B is capable he should be able to put up or shut up, if he can he will get a score and now player A doesnt have to gamble there time/key on someones boasting.

the thing is pre bis before raiding was all spread out you could get some bis in maraudon, some in BRD, some in high level dungeons etc… so a gear score system would be useless

Sooner or later, someone’s going to make a similar addon, or an addon with similar functionality, and it will be used in much the same way. Wrath’s GearScore or GTFO legacy seems to be alive and well, unfortunately.

That having been said, I don’t have to like it, and I don’t have to use it. At some point, not having or using it will relegate me into the ranks of filthy casuals. All I can hope for is that I can find others who can deal with my quirks long enough to put some runs together. Through Wrath and Cata, the last times I was really active, that was my friends and my guild. I expect it’ll be much the same here.

As an aside, I “beat” GS back then by farming the old tier 0 gear- valor for my DK, beaststalker obviously for my hunter, etc- and leaving them equipped anytime I was in a major city. In classic, I’m not sure anyone will get the joke, so I think I’ll be collecting and enchanting several sets of Twill.

That might be. But I am not sure all the people in a raid, find it funny when you keep wiping because someone crept above the threat-meter. Even with threat-meter you can get threat because of “unlucky” crit rows. There are 39 other people in a raid, and every wipe is also their time, not just yours. I for one, find it fine if a guild demands you have a threat addon.´

If you can find 40-50 persons who share the same view, then fine, have a go at it. I’ll just not sign up for it. :wink:

That doesn’t mean it cant be done just means it needs to be more complex. I am confident someone will make one, how useful it is depends on how they build it and how accurate it is.

When raider io was big in legion, mythic raiders who wanted to do 5 mans on m+ had low raider io scores because raider io only tracks mythic+ scores. You have those kinds of players, those who don’t do M+ every week or at the start of the week, or those who previously did higher ranked M+s before ultimately quitting or they stop doing m+ after a while.

Raider io does not hold or store previous scores, thusly raider io is toxic for anyone who isn’t going out of their way to get high scores as frankly its a pointless endeavor to please the elitist jerks, who themselves likely suck and were carried both far more capable players.

Remember the whole debacle about obscenely high and unnecessary ilvl requirements in legion? Yeah it’s in the same boat as that.

Edit: Its a tool that people use to further the toxicity that already exists in game.

Edit2: Wrath reference here - “LFM 6k gearscore for normal icc”

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Classic raiding used to be an epic experience, nowadays it’s “Boot up 500 addons so it cluters the screen and you can’t even see the friggin’ boss fight”.

Addons should be banned period.

They give players an advantage over others, and trivialise the content.

Addons should be banned in Wow, like Steroids are banned in sports.

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That’s a moot reason, vanilla is 15 years old, that’s 15 years of existing knowledge for existing old vanilla raids. DPS/threat meters will not give anyone an advantage and will ultimately help the player maintain their dps and threat. You can not recreate the experiences of a 15 year old game.

Edit: The only people that will experience anything new are those that have never played vanilla.

Yeah, and all should play on the same toaster model and have 5MB internet. They should also be restricted to only 1½ hour gameplay, because that would be fair for all involved!!

Exactly what advantage do you think, others have over you, by using an addon?

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Are we talking about vanilla still or jumping to bfa?

Both, vanilla had plenty of people who had epics who just kind of showed up.

When you know the people on your server, know the guilds on your server (and what sort of players they harbor), and you can formulate a realistic opinion of other players without the need for an add-on, the add-ons with that sort of functionality will become less important. People used to know who was good on their server, back when server communities were a thing.

Yep that trash won’t be in Classic for sure. Community will shun it.

But beware. As this thread and others show, the Retail babies that have become completely dependent on those Mods to judge their personal value are extremely defensive of the mod and they will definitely fight you in this discussion to bring that crap, and its mindset, into vanilla.

So yeah, there’s going to be a culture clash for sure. There’s a lot of people that cannot imagine playing this game without those ‘tools’. They hear “just inspect the guy in town” and freak out. Thankfully the devs are on our side with this so, no need to worry. Although Ill admit I cant wait to laugh at someone trying to get a ‘score’ for someone to do a Princess run or something.


I guess in the sense of ZG/Molten core or a lucky drop but people generally didn’t just get full epics… in pvp back then required you to grind a ton in a premade to have a realistic shot at it.

It measures your history of completing the content, not your ability. Anyone who is able but hasn’t is shunned. Making it impossible for them to show the tool that they’re able. Its self reinforcing.

Blizzard doesn’t want it. They explicitly said they’d be killing addons that attempt to replicate functionality from later in the game’s history… like iLevel totals. There is no Mythic so IO doesn’t have that either. What’s it going to measure? The number of times you claim to have completed Stratholme?

I agree on threat meters and damage meters, but that’s because they existed in Vanilla and have a valid place.

A RaiderIO or Gearscore addon, will get broken.


You played most in Wrath. Your account-wide furthest progression is 6/12 in Normal Mode ICC, 9/14 in Ulduar. You are the definition of mediocre and I completely understand why you’re scared of any addon that would let people know that.

Heh, not knowing that people could swap between characters for raids and thus not have the achievement. You are a living embodiment, why armory and all that goes with it, don’t belong in Classic.