Please Don't Give Turalyon The Villain Bat

You were arguing that the Draenei preserved the Orcish language, though. Your original quote was, "…they even kept their language, animal husbandry and fighting style. They’re lacking a lot of the aspects of “cultural genocide”.

However, when we look at things, there’s no evidence that the Lightbound are preserving the Mag’har laguage, animal husbandry, fighting style or anything else about Mag’har culture, and lots of evidence showing they’re actually replacing elements of Mag’har culture with Draenei/Lightbound stuff.

You haven’t really made any lore points to back up your claims. You just make claims you’d like to be true, I bring up the lore that shows your claims to be false-with links and pictures and text references and quotes to boot- and then you just move on to the next claim.

Case in point: there’s absolutely no evidence that Lightbound orcs are continuing to venerate Mag’har ancestors and the elements at the Auichodon. Actual in game quotes show that every time the Lightbound mention religion, it’s instead to praise the Light and convince others to embrace it as preached by Yrel as delivered to her by Xe’ra.

And all this after you stated in another thread you started on this same topic where you stated that you were done trying to justify Yrel (leadig the Lightbound and acting on Xe’ra orders) on this.

As for what punishment I think Gromm should have gotten? I think Gromm should have been imprisoned for life. Of course, being a long time consumer of genre fiction, I’m used to stories wherein villains (especially those jump ship like Gromm did) get imprisoned, only to later get recruited from jail to help fight common foes and end up transforming into anti-heroes/battle-forged allies instead. 30 years is more than enough time for a story like this to play out. Incidentally, such a story would mirror MU Gromm’s arc as someone who was once a villain, only to turn around some decade(s) since to pursue the path of an anti-hero/anti-villain path that ended up costing him his life so that a new generation of orcs can do better; all resulting in a very mixed legacy.

Or even better- since we're entertaining the idea of a rewrite for minor details- I would have had AU Gromm imprisoned for life and have him be one of the first orcs to get forcibly Lightbound. Xe'ra doesn't care if you were a villain before if you serve her purposes (see Illidan). I would have had AU Garrosh/Drakka/Durotan/Thrall be the leader of the Mag'har and the one that holds the line against the Lightbound and allows Greyah and the other orcs to escape to Azeroth.

But I get the feeling that you’ll have issues with either of those, as they don’t make an effort to absolve the Lightbound genocide by trying to make their campaign about the long gone Iron Horde. A thing that I thought you were done with.

Additionally, all your examples of Light characters being antagonistic are all from Vanilla through Cataclysm. Over a decade ago. Like I said, Blizzard’s been shy about comitting to showing the Light/Alliance related characters as antagonistic for a while now. Xe’ra, the Scarlet Crusade, and Yrel are all coming back to explore a theme that’s been very much neglected for over a decade. And it’s the first time it’s ever relly ever shown potential to factor into the main story and not simply be treated as smaller/side plot points in a larger story.

Your worries that an expansion with Yrel and Turalyon as antagonists are going to end up portraying them as exceptionally unsalvageable villains that don’t get any screen time and then get unceremoniously bumped off isn’t fairly unfounded either. Not even by your own logic. You’ve been complaining this whole time about how Blizzard hasn’t killed off characters like Gromm or Illidan for their villiainous acts. And they’re really dragging their heels on Sylvanas. Clearly you don’t think Blizzard has a good track record of giving villains what they deserve, so I don’t know why you expect Yrel and Turalyon to get such swift and brutal punishment for their misdeeds. I doubt they’ll even end up dying. I’d expect AU Xe’ra to get the blame ad for Yrel and Turalyon to learn a special lesson.

This is also the perfect opportunity to play up characters like Anduin and Velen and other naaru as opposition and more positive representations of the Light.