Please Don't Give Turalyon The Villain Bat

More often than not they’re quote-mining to attack a strawman of my actual argument, not “snipping out irrelevant stuff”.

Tammy has stronger arguments than most I’ve debated on this subject, and only did a bit of quote-mining at the beginning, so they’re the least bad on that front. I wouldn’t keep saying quote-mine if people stopped doing it (eg; Baalsamael was the worst offender).

Actual genocide doesn’t give the “join” option, it skips straight to “everyone dies”. The Mag’har didn’t have their books, artworks, and structures destroyed, the Lightbound weren’t trying to remove them from history… they even kept their language, animal husbandry and fighting style. They’re lacking a lot of the aspects of “cultural genocide”. Want to see actual cultural genocide in WoW, check out what Lei Shen did to the Pandaren, then compare and contrast.