Did Yrel forget about the Iron Horde?

I’m not trying to justify Yrel in this one. After careful consideration, I’ll take a bit of an L on that front.

I’m pointing out that it’s bad writing to just sweep the Iron Horde, and the consequences of them, under the rug because the writers want to villain-bat the AU Draenei and naaru for a fanaticism story arc. I want to bring that to people’s attention and see what they think.

What Blizz is doing with Yrel, the naaru and the AU Draenei is like if they swept the Burning Legion’s atrocities under the rug, made them the good guys, freed Sargeras from the Seat of the Pantheon and had us join them. Adding a “twist” doesn’t automatically make a story good; otherwise most of M. Night Shyamalan’s works wouldn’t be criticized as much as they are.