Please don't give in to the GDKP enjoyers

Imagine playing a fantasy game and choosing to be human. Also this is a character I stopped leveling because I suck at playing a warrior props to those who can. Oh and I have never seen anyone who plays WOW as “cool” being cool is not a goal of mine.

New players shouldnt be trying to join a gold based loot system, why dont these new players join a guild? I raid in a guild, why cant they?

These runs are done by pugs, not mains. Youre kind of admitting that here.

This isnt gdkp specific so requires no real answer, welcome to mmos i guess?

This gold does nothing to you, it isnt your enemy. It isnt magically making the price of anything go up or down.

I mean SOD is too easy, your bosses are literal target dummies, that point aside HAVING gdkps means people play alts because once again its literally the best pug system for alts.

All games die down at the end before a new phase.

Im sorry but you dont get to say what is “normal”, you think SR runs are normal, are MS/OS runs normal, are HR runs normal, is loot council the normal?

Who are you to say whats normal when Blizzard put player agency on how to handle their raid groups.

SOD has more AH bis than any other version, what does this even mean?

I played a rogue and Julies dagger was bis, both darkmoon decks were bis the boe epic gun was bis. All AH items btw.

Exactly, so when you go into a run and get NOTHING but others get something doesnt that put more vlaue onto their time and not yours?

Now gdkps have even gold splits, the only bonuses are typically the organizers cut and tanks get an extra like 2%.

See how EVERYONES time is valued and rewarded?

Why didn’t Blizzard make all gear BOEs then? BOPs aren’t supposed to be a sellable item and yes some runs you get nothing and some runs you get something. That’s why it’s important to be nice and make friends the whole BOP system is designed to require teamwork. Why can’t they just join a guild? Guilds have been replaced by GDKP remember the whole erroding social structures statement included in the reasoning behind banning GDKP? If the gold is of so little consequence why do you need it as an incentive to raid?

Dont know dont care.

But some random dice are supposed to be the way to do it? Some guilds used DKP, thats buying an item with an imaginary currency, are they not being sold?

You have no idea what youre talking about.


They can, its pretty easy.

Pugs have been replaced by gdkps not guilds. There is no shot you believe that the majority of trade chat gdkps are done by the majority of mains, we both know youre lying on this, they are done by alts.

The gold is like DKP that can be used over different raids.

Except gold is the easiest thing to buy with IRL money. That is why some of us have a problem with the whole pot of gold aspect. As for the whole mains and alts argument you have 1 char in a guild and run GDKPs with multiple alts therefore making GDKP more common than the traditional raiding structure. The easiest fastest way is not always the best way and it should never be considered the only viable way. If it’s fun for you cool go run GDKPs in all the other versions that it is acceptable. I didn’t ban GDKP in SOD but I am glad that Blizzard decided to. Best of luck to you.

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500k including bots and rmt’ers. I knee there were quite a number of them in SoD, didn’t expect there to be 450k of them?

Did you forget i showed you how much AH bis there was? Do you think that the people who were buying gold stopped?

You cant be that naive.

Once again you cant articulate how me or anyone else having more gold than you does anything to you in a negative way, you wouldnt even know how much gold i had if you saw me in game…

And since gdkps are banned in SOD i had exactly no alts running in no pug groups, all i had was my 1 main that ran in a guild.

See how that works?

Gdkps do the exact same fights you do, they have to beat the boss and hope the item they want drops, you could buy all the gold from G2G and you still may never see your item.

I play cata, i quit sod this phase, its trash and will continue to be trash.

Who said you did?

If you use a loot system which forces this outcome, yes. It is entirely a choice made by the player when they join a raid with a loot system that results in this outcome.

Using GDKP, you always get something, that is why people like me prefer it.

It’s OK if you enjoy rolling the dice to decide if you are going to spend hours of your evening for literally no reward, even if this happens multiple weeks in a row.
Other people don’t enjoy doing this, so they have used their player agency to create a loot system where this doesn’t happen.

Just because you don’t understand or agree with this system does not mean it shouldn’t exist.

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This is barely english, can you try again please?

You bid against other people in your raid who are eligible for loot from a boss you have just all put in time, effort and resources to kill. You are not just outright buying something from a vendor for a fixed price.
Please at least attempt to be honest?

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And with that you can think of:

Carry - someone who generally prefers gold to the items in that specific raid.
Buyer - someone who generally will want to spend gold on items that drop in that raid.

But some anti-gdkp people struggle when they see the word ‘buyer’ they cannot separate the idea of a buyer in a gdkp-run and a gold buyer. They think they are always one-in-the-same, whereas, in reality, they rarely are.

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The whole ‘carry’ and ‘buyer’ roles are only relevant if the content is braindead easy enough to comfortably do the raid missing 2-3 players.
In the current version of classic where GDKP is available (cata) this doesn’t apply at all, everyone needs to do the mechanics and pull their weight or the boss doesn’t die.

If SoD content wasn’t designed to be ‘babbys first raid’ level of difficulty then it would be the same here too.

Obviously, there are some people who will at the time of the raid currently possess more gold than some other people. This influences the bidding decisions they would make. People who currently have more gold will usually end up winning more bids, shocking, haha.
Next week? Those roles could very well be reversed, as the ‘buyer’ now has exhausted most of their gold stack and the ‘carry’ has increased theirs. It’s all relative.

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Well at that point it doesn’t matter anymore.

Carry / buyer just matters for content that is on farm and will have people who overgear it.

In your progression scenario everyone is a buyer even if they are broke xD

GDKP works fine with too many buyers, the runs are just slow (or progression). But too many carries and people feel like they wasted time since nobody needed anything nor got anything.

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This is why i brought up heroic ICC and Toughburger, he isnt good enough to kill heroic LK, he could have 2,000,000 gold and he wouldnt be invited.

The raids are getting to the point where you cant have dead weight.

Luckily good players have gold too.

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It’s a balance and there is a lot of nuance that is completely lost on your average anti-GDKP poster, because they have simply never participated in organized GDKP, so they cannot comprehend it themselves.

It’s like stable masters arguing against cars in the 1900s

And yet no matter what word you use to describe it “loot system” “trading gold” “bidding” it is simply buying a BOP and to the richest goes the spoils. Its not remotely possible this completely innocent “loot system” results in an increase in gold buying. No No nothing to see here just a completely fair “loot system” totally harmless to the economy. Doesnt effect anyone else that I refuse to participate without a guaranteed reward. In no way does this effect people who want to just chill and play the game. Its not like this only raid if you are guaranteed a reward mentality spreads.

Hmm the words unpleasant unkind and elitist come to mind when reading this post. Remember that comment erroding social structures hmm do you represent the majority of the GDKP community? Not a single pro GDKP player balks at the idea of such an immature uncouth representative? “Lucky good players have gold.” That depends how one defines good. To me good is welcoming new players with open arms showing them the ropes helping them advance not calling them trash players or dead weight and only being willing to play with them if they pay you for your services oops I meant willing to bid on stuff you don’t even need or agree to everything you say as the gospel.

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No doubt. The people paying cash are almost ALWAYS the ones that are buying gear and sitting around feeling like a superhero with gear they do nothing with. People wanted GDKP gone and it took half the players with it. Now they are sad cause it is a dead game mode almost. I have never done a GDKP but if people enjoy it,let em raid that way. RMT continues even in Remix,so getting rid of GDKP did nothing to fix that. So tired of people blaming it when there is glaring proof that getting rid of it accomplished nothing but losing subs

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All good things take time it hasn’t been in effect long enough for “glaring proof” of anything one way or another.

Two phases is long enough.

uhhhhh people can’t buy BOP gear so it seems like the goal was accomplished

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