Please don't give in to the GDKP enjoyers

Please Just don’t let the constant bombardment of the GDKP community get to you and make you back track on your decision to have no GDKP in SoD. It’s one of the best things implemented in SoD. Majority of these people saying they will/have quit because of no GDKP’s, I bet still have an active sub. Stick to your guns on this please dev team.


Anyone saying anything about GDKP aren’t actually playing SoD anyway. So they should just be auto ignored at this point.
Not a single person from any of the 5-8 guilds i’ve been a part of have even mentioned it unironically. So i wouldn’t worry about it making an appearance anytime soon.
If it did, the real SoD player base would immediately rise up with a tsunami of complaints and have it re-stricken from the game in less than a week.


No point in putting them back, incursions did more damage to the economy than GDKPs ever did. Currently enjoying classic era and it feels great being able to make money with gathering professions instead of running green loops in groups.


You only see it on forums, which is the place of loud complainers.
Easily distorts the will of the playerbase.


Era is bis.

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Yep, they still have an active sub and are playing other versions of the game which still support player agency over loot systems.

I have stopped playing SoD because there is literally nothing to progress on for months. At least GDKP gave some incentive to continue logging into the game for a raid once per week.

Even if I and other GDKP enjoyers do return for content drops, this pattern of huge raid logger drop off will continue based on the extremely slow and stale content schedule.
From the perspective of someone without a guild due to unreliable scheduling/timezone (the whole reason GDKP is good for me):
a) Gear up very fast because SoD is braindead easy and tuned for the absolute most bottom barrel casual players with 30 minutes of play time per week.
b) After like week 4 be 95% bis, with the last 5% locked behind rolling against 10 people in MS>OS runs
c) Realise that you face months of repeating the exact same content, farming gold for consumes just to spend it losing rolls repeatedly in a situation you have no control over.
d) Quit to play other versions of the game I have more agency over.

It’s a shame because SoD is cool but just has no hook for me to continue pugging each week.
Even if you have a guild, the only incentive to continue running full bis chars each week is a social one, which we all know is a tenuous incentive at best. At least if GDKP existed these people would would not have to farm so much gold to continue raid logging for no rewards.

Enjoy your “healthy” economy I guess, oh wait…incursions are still being slammed by bots… oh well…


This fact about SOD will never not be hilarious.

To this day I can’t imagine how incursions were green lit.

It’s this type of behavior that just confirms how incompatible this dev team is with Classic content.


Incursions were still less damaging than GDKP especially if it keeps these pro GDKP forum bozos from playing lol. PS for real players it was never about the gold anyway


You can make gold farming in Era? What can you farm that covers the cost of enchantment mats and the outrageously priced BOEs. How many herbs, fish, skins, or bars do you have to farm to afford a 30k+ enchant?

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From 500k active raiders at peak to 50k
Just saying


Other people doing Gdkp does not affect you assuming Blizzard is doing their job and banning bots/gold buyers.


Excuse me, does GDKP not use gold? Is it somehow a closed circuit economy that is utterly isolated and insulated from the non-GDKP economy?

It doesnt matter how you Swipers try to justify GDKP, nothing will change the fact that it and everything directly related to it have been an unmitigated disaster for the Classic economy since day 1.

GDKP is never coming back to SoD and i legit hope once SoD is done they decide that banning GDKP was such a success that they do it on Classic Cata AND Era servers.


you shouldn’t be buying BoEs :expressionless: no wonder you’re broke

Is it sarcasm? Considering 10x online drop, how can devs declare success?
I’m also interested in what conclusion Blizzard will draw: if the GDKP remains in other versions - wow have a future. Because the devs are looking at objective indicators, and not on a tight stream of whining.


“Apples are red, that’s why GDKP is good.”

Face it, you guys try to connect dots that are always completely unrelated.


This is not even gaslighting, this is fanaticism


Incursions produced, in just one day, more gold than any bot farm could manage in a week.

And they still produce gold every single day for how many months now?


You shouldn’t be able to buy BOP drops it’s that simple. Any secondary effects of cutting down on bots or less people buying gold is all a bonus if it happens.


Why do you care what loot system another person uses?

Assuming of course Blizzard did their job and got rid of RMT and Bots?

Getting mad at people who did GDKP (who didn’t RMT) is asinine. You are blaming the wrong people for the problem, as it isn’t people doing GDKP that cause RMT it is lazy people of ill repute with disposable income that cause RMT.

Blame people who Did RMT
Blame Bots
Blame Blizzard for not taking action

Don’t blame GDKP itself.


Because the loot system you “choose” to use is responsible for the rampant botting(cause/effect, higher demand for gold to buy from swipers, higher quantity of bots run to increase supply) and is a direct cause and direct result of en mass gold buying - a direct violation of the ToS.

Furthermore all that botfarmed and Swipe-sold gold devalues the gold of every other person in the game via hyperinflation(the more total units of something there are, the less individual value each unit has), which in turn prices people out of BoEs, crafting materials, consumables etc that before, they could handily afford.

But you knew all that already. You just didnt care. You know exactly what the consequences are for what youve been doing for years and all you want to do is make it everyone elses fault and/or problem but your own.

Too bad.