Please don't give in to the GDKP enjoyers

Bots-raiders? What?

The reason why ol trucky there is wrong is because he can only see it from his narrow point of view.

Its why im the idiot and yet pure buyers dont negate his self fed loop bull.

Dont expect much from a boy pretending to be a man via a videogame lmao.


Pot meet kettle.

Shouldn’t you be working on Hogger prog?

Downed him while you were on youtube looking up what a lug nut is.


You have an odd fascination with fixing mechanical issues.

You just seem mad no matter how much gold you have gdkps won’t invite you because you’re bad at the game and are a liability to the raid.

You have an odd fascination with video games meaning anything.

Im betting its not that they dont pay you to not change your tires, youre just so much of a liability they literally pay anyone else to do it.

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Yea im such a liability they have kept me employed for almost 10 years lmfao.

This is a video game forum not a tire changing forum.

Stop being bad at the video game we are discussing in this forum lmfao.

My moms ex boyfriend was a savage alcoholic, he kept his job for 30 years because he was the best they had, didnt mean they wanted him doing other things because he was a liability while doing them.

You probably dont drink, or you do. Either way good job saying you stay in your lane a lot except to flex at a video game.

Firstly, you literally cannot know if im bad or not, secondly, why would a mental midgets sub optimal opinion even matter for?

You think highly of yourself because… why?

Pixels dont make you a man.


cata doesn’t even have talent trees :expressionless: shameful. won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.

We are LITERALLY on the forum of the video game.

Is this where your abuse started?

Im a company driver, i dont own the truck.

We both know you arent this dumb as to think they want their driver working on THEIR trucks, especially when that isnt in my contract or job.

You wanna talk about liability.

Very rarely.

I never said i was good, i just said you were bad lmfao.

Youre hiding for a reason.


When did i say this?

Going to work and supporting my family does.

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Lots of words, nothing of meaning past doing it for your family. Respectable

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Ah, we circle back to gold buying.

As is always explained in these kinds of threads, the real problem that anti-GDKP posters have is blizzard not enforcing their existing TOS on RMT effectively.

I’ve played GDKP for many years and never RMTd, I’ve been very involved in the most active GDKP communities on my server and can honestly say that 95% do not RMT.
The 5% that do it are very open about it, acting with impunity without getting banned unless they act very recklessly. When they do get banned, it’s very short (1 week? 2 weeks?), they just continue to play and RMT on an alt account and get right back to it again.
This vocal 5% get the spotlight.

Yes, obviously, GDKP existing provides additional incentive for some people to RMT. Along with this, every other gold sink in the game is providing RMT incentive. Expensive BOEs, professions, mounts, rep grinds etc. Just the fact that the AH exists is an RMT incentive.

This argument is not honest, it completely allieviates blizzards immense failure to enforce their existing rules and places all the blame on an almost entirely innocent and TOS compliant GDKP community.

To further reinforce how dumb this point is, GDKP has been banned for multiple phases now, but we still see armies of bots farming nodes and incursions.
Who are they selling to? Bot farmers don’t operate for fun, it’s their business. If they weren’t profitable they would go to other versions of the game where GDKP continues to exist.

It’s almost as if GDKP wasn’t actually the problem, shocking!

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Cant see it that way when literally every gdkp seen has this

“Lfm pumper gdkp, 20% topcut and HR all shards, can sell for xgold”

Sure, guilds do gdkps, probably without issue.

Ponzy schemes actually work at first too, until theres too many people and not enough stuff to go around.


I have never seen this in any advertisement on my realm. What does 20% topcut even mean?

Wtf does a Ponzi scheme have to do with this? huh? Are you just typing random words at this point?

Now you’re just a flat out liar, if aussie realms were being spammed with the same sort of ads as posted above, no way US and EU realms weren’t, unless a dead realm.

I haven’t and my guild runs the largest gdkp discord.

Why would you HR shards in a gdkp?

No organized run is doing this.

Y’all really think trade chat trash gdkps are the standard and they aren’t, not even close

I’m not sure who this is aimed at.
Anyway, there is only 1 Aussie realm for about a year now, Arugal.

sure keep telling yourself that

by selling gold on a video game?

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