Please don't give in to the GDKP enjoyers

Why would the value of mats go down?

Blizzard literally prints gold, have you ever bartered with a vendor? The scarlet mobs drop change along with other humanoid mobs. If you do quests you can receive payment aswell.

The market value of items fluctuate, its not like every run is going to be a consistant payout either. Some items get disenchanted, and mats are bundled for sale too, usually starting at way below AH value.

The longer the game is out the more gold (regardless of bots) theres going to be, and those niche items’ value skyrocket alongside because of how rare/good they are. Thats why you hear about ridiculous prices and think that its the norm. That wont happen again and again because that person has spent their wallet, and it goes to the next people who get the chunk of the pie essentially.

Because bots bot 1000s of mats inflating the amount of mats available to purchase. Just like printing billions of cash caused inflation in the state bots tank the value of mats by “printing” way to many

From what I hear they still do that on SoD…

At least with GDKPs you have players with gold willing to pay premium price for items on AH because they can easily get more gold but don’t wanna go slowly farm in open world.

Most the angi-gdkp crowd are all about farming and grinding and stuff, they say that one should farm for consumes for SR and stuff. So by banning GDKPs they basically killed off their customer on AH.

Now only people who buy gold with USD are buying stuff on AH.

Everyone on SoD selling mats on AH is likely just 1 step from bought gold, they are basically buying gold themselves lol.

Try to kill gold buying by banning GDKPs, become more tied in the gold selling network than ever before :stuck_out_tongue:

On Era, we have GDKPs, few bots these days, and a healthy AH and economy. Crazy how the demon of gdkp was totally created for propaganda purposes.

i mean the only thing between someone and loot prio is gold. thats a pretty big incentive to buy gold. collecting all the gold from buyer whales does something as well unless everyone involved is just keeping it in a vault tucked away. but were also going to pretend a large amount of sellers dont flip the gold as well

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lol they dont pay a premium they instantly buy out the bot posts use what they need and repost their excess mats farmers cant sell they get undercut instantly until they post cheap enough for the same people undercutting them all day to just buy them out.

GDKP players are rarely sitting around playing the economy for tiny margins.

They buy their consumes and use them, and they do so constantly.

Dude i played WOTLK the price of consumes never changed a small group had total control of the economy from Phase 2 onward thats not healthy. The prices should fluctuate the richest in the realm shouldnt be the laziest in the realm. GDKPers rarely farm, their time is apparently to valuable, and they always need consumes so they are constantly consuming. GDKP is just a loot system with no buy in yet they are also the richest in the realm and think 30k+ enchantments and 100k+ BOEs in cata = a healthy economy.


Only top raiders are rich (those that raid with bis and don’t buy items so they save gold), everyone else is spending gold on items.

And I have no idea how WOTLK economy works, I only play Era.

gave SoD a try but it was just another wotlk / retail

Youre so fake rofl.

Youre basing your info off a Maelstrom crystals in a new Xpac where the only way to get them is disenchanting epics.

Then for landslide which is what youre talking about you need 5 of them.

WOTLK was point blank cheaper to raid in than SOD, you cant dispute this. Thats in a version of the game with 30k+ payouts VS a game with NO gdkps.

Potion of speed in wotlk was like 4g/ea, flasks were 8g/ea.

Youre literally using week 1 prices of a new version of the game as your “gotcha” and its sad, Darkmoon Volcano which is phase 1 BIS for all casters is down to 10k gold.

ERA is a more tight knit group and caters to a very specific player base. A player base that enjoy “pure” classic they are a group that are probably older, long time fans of the game, thus far less inclined to buy gold. You guys play however you want I doubt bots even bother botting on your realm lucky ducks. New games draw in new players which are younger and dont think about the long term impact buying gold just once has on the whole realm.

What is there to not understand about this statement?

GDKP provides a way to progress a character via agency over gear AND gold generation.

Without GDKP, you have no agency over gear or gold generation, so once you hit ~90% BIS, there is no longer any character progression.

What is not clear?

But you dont GDKP on your “main” why cant you progress your “alt” the same way?

Maybe his guild only raids with 1 raid team?

Can you not switch to raiding with your alts once your guild’s “mains” get maxed out?

Thats up to your raid if they wanna take a new fresh rat.

What happens if you have alts before your raid is “maxed” on gear?

You just dont play them?

And in those versions of the game GDKP exists, so when I want to target specific gear I can throw my resources at it to increase my chances of getting the gear, rather than relying on pure dumb luck vs multiple other people every single week.
Also known as player agency.

What is not clear about this?

Because I already have 5 characters on classes that I enjoy and I really have no interest in creating more just to fill time. I would rather play classes I enjoy in other versions of the game where I can progress them.

You say resources but dont you just mean gold? As in you want to be able to buy the BOP you want? But because you have 1 main you feel you have the right purchase the gear you want for your alts? Its just this way of playing speeds up the game so much there is always a group of player whining about the time between phases with nothing to do because BOPs are designed to take time to get.

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make with the whole ‘feel the right’ to do stuff.
It’s my character in an MMO, why shouldn’t I be able to use resources (yes, gold, but other things that can be exchanged for gold, social resources, agreements etc) to progress my characters?
You or any other players with their own ideas of what the game should be do not dictate how I should be able to play my game, I play within TOS and that’s all you need to know.

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