Please don't give in to the GDKP enjoyers

Anti gdkp cope hitting record highs, they know how wrong they were so it’s time to repeat the same failed campaign slogans that make no sense since all those problems are currently at a peak worse than era. Kekw.

I could have never hoped in my wildest dreams the ban would be this bad. It’s more than I could ever ask for.

GDKP will never be banned again. You lose. Forever.

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what would you say if i told you that every version of wow ever created has bots for every currency? pre gdkp, post gdkp, retail, 2004, era, sod even still

how about diablo 1? diablo 2? any of the diablo franchise? bot free? of course not, not even close

This is the only version of the game which scapegoats a loot system as being responsible for the problem they have with bots and pushes it onto a part of the community rather than eviscerating the company for it

Hell, the reason that gdkp was banned wasn’t even primarily rmt or botting, it was eroding guild stuctures, somehow that part has been forgotten completely

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What would you say if i told you that no matter how hard you try to deflect, deny, deceive or refuse to accept accountability, youll never escape the fact that what youve done has consequences, theyre your fault and they always will be.

Oh, wait, i dont need to ask. Youll double and triple and quadruple down on it because being held responsible for what youve done terrifies you.


Which is funny to me because the majority of people who GDKP dont do it on their mains they do it with alts.

doesn’t look like you have a tiny bit of substance to refute it, oh well

what would he say? he’d just say the same thing on repeat, like some sort of broken ai

It’s actually hilarious that you’re alluding to this because you can’t state it as a fact and you actually have no idea if GDKPs make up a small or large portion of gold buyers.


Fastest W to L ever.

Oh i absolutely can. But that was called a rhetorical question.

The #1 customer of gold sellers are GDKP runners and its not even close.


the “its not even close” bit could only possibly be said by someone who has the numbers infront of them, so why don’t you share them?

You literally play a version of the game without gdkps and it was nicknamed Season Of Swiping.

How do you fall into a trap that I wasn’t even setting? I highly doubt that even Blizzard has numbers on this. How are you going to back it up?

All the GDKP gamers left SoD months ago and yet the bots stayed.

The second they aren’t profitable the gold-sellers would move their bots. It is clear that SoD players are addicted to gold buying, and it wasn’t the gdkp crowd.

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And look at how much crying youve done ever since and how cheap gold has been ever since.

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This is your explanation? That’s all? You don’t know what a fact is?

Claiming something is a bad decision and having rational discussions about it is not crying.

Complaining about the loot system OTHERS use = crying.

not broke by a long shot i use my professions. Also isn’t GDKP just buying BOPs so it’s bad to buy BOEs but not BOPs?

At least that gold goes to players too not just the bots. You can farm mats or incursions if bots choose incursions less bots are farming mats if bots farm to many mats players can farm incursions and mats get super cheap. The gold from incursions is spread pretty evenly throughout the realm where as the gold “looted” during GDKP only goes to GDKPers giving control of the economy to either them or the bots not really sure there is a difference though as either side only cares about the gold/loot vs players who care about the overall gaming experience

The amount of bots now vs the amount of bots around in P1 is significantly reduced so I guess that means the GDKP ban has been successful :clap:

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Were not at Banana level of bots id wager, but there is no denying that GDKPS would drive bots further.

What was it??? Like 50k for dft?

If thats what you want on your alt, neat.

Bring it back, but as I keep saying, ANYONE caught with rmt or botted gold gets a permaban of their blizzard account

Im fine with that as long as they stay banned in SOD I have a version of WOW I enjoy. It’s cool you can keep botting oops I mean running GDKPs in CATA/MOP/ and retail enjoy being “rich”