Please don't give in to the GDKP enjoyers

The idea was good, they just implemented it in a completely messed up way. The ease, the rewards, etc. The answer for everything was “do incursions”.

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I guess reading is hard for you so I’ll reiterate… You shouldn’t be able to buy BOP drops… That’s why they’re bind on pick-up, and before you say “but they have a 2 hour trade window” Yeah that’s cause blizz got tired of support tickets wanting gear changed hands cause someone idiot who can’t use it rolled on it or you got a better thing later in the raid and want to give it to the next person cause you didnt equip it yet. Not for selling the items in the raid.


GDKP isn’t selling items.

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It’s an auction. Someone ends up buying the gear. Just cause people bid doesn’t mean an item wasn’t sold. But I guess in whatever fantasy world you live in an auction doesn’t sell things. Like are you dumb or just pretending things aren’t being sold cause you want GDKP


Its wordplay to avoid accountability. Nothing more. Tongue in cheek denial all the while knowing exactly what hes doing.

Look up the term “duper’s delight”.


I’ve been to a lot of auctions. Never have I gone to an auction where I walk out with a cut of the money even if I didn’t bid on anything.

And how’s that relevant? Like yeah I’m sure there tons of people who run GDKP not to buy things but just get a cut of the gold but that means gear has to be sold for them to get a cut. The money isn’t coming out of thin air


They literally said “go play these other version of WoW while we work on this as well
And a lot of people are playing Panda.
I guess that sucks for you if you feel the need to play only classic version of the game. But if you look over there, you see they fluctuate just as much as any other gamer.

In the same vain that the devs of Palworld said people will get bored of the game, but they’ll come back for the updates. All flavors of WoW have been there for a while.

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Aaaaand stop. Sir, gdkp has nothing to do with botting. Its just a loot system where gold = loot.

Botting existed before GDKP, during its life cycle, and after its ban. They are not related, one does exist without the other.

People buy gold for things besides GDKP. Surely you’ve visited the auction house?

Let’s be clear here: Banning GDKP does not stop gold buyers, nor botting, nor any TOS breaking activity. All it does is remove a form of laundering. Once a gold buyer spends their gold in a GDKP, its very hard for blizzard to track where that gold goes.

Its a success because more actions are happening on TOS breakers because people cant hide their transactions.

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And then they accumulated a bunch of gold. One day someone saw something drop and asked their party “hey, can I buy this off you guys instead of rolling?”
And they agreed because they were broke (spreading the dirty money)

That’s how it started. You can’t convince me otherwise.
But I’d love to hear your theory on how it actually started in a wholesome way. I like a good joke.

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And stopped reading. Im not gonna argue with someone living in fantasy imagination land. If youre incapable of acknowledging objective reality im not about to waste time trying to talk sense to you.


Gdkp has its roots in carry runs. Much like how people pay for arena carries, and dungeon carries, people paid for raid carries. In those, you also pay to have whatever loot you wanted.

If you’ve ever attended a gdkp, its set up like a carry run. You have the buyers obviously, and you have the carries who are geared enough to enable the raid to actually be cleared.

The buyers are usually under geared and are expected to bring enough gold for their desired loot. This is where you people associate it with gold buying, since that’s the fastest method for under geared players to get the neccessary gold to get GDKP gear.

Botters = Gold Sellers. The botters don’t GDKP themselves, they sell gold to buyers, who then go to GDKP raids. They themselves aren’t the botters, you have a disconnect here.

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No it’s not. There will be bots as long as they pay off. It’s that simple

And who do you think the #1 customer of gold sellers is.


Same people who still buy gold on Sod. Perhaps for Boes, mounts, mats and boosts.
They should ban buyers.

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Firefighters. or other important people who cant play the game 12 hours a day.
Do you HATE fire fighters?
edit: sorry this is more of a troll post than anything
but keep in mind that there are other doors to get the prizes you desire.

“Erosion of traditional raiding structures.”

Now everyone go reread the blue post about GDKP before frothing over RMT.

With how much gold incursions give, I’m curious who buys gold. You can make thousands with some incursion loops, why buy gold?

My bet is that P2 had gold buyers even with the ban of gdkps. During p1 they had the prices of mounts at <50g, they banned gdkp, p2 came out and they increased mount costs alongside it. I know alot of people were short on gold at that point. And it seemed like alot of people who said they could barely afford it suddenly, and quietly, had the gold for the mount even after the price went up.

He states… I have stopped playing SoD because there is literally nothing to progress on for months. At least GDKP gave some incentive to continue logging into the game for a raid once per week."

Do you read before you post? hahaha What a crybaby and double talks himself. Find another game dude.