Please don't give in to the GDKP enjoyers

Yes I did.

However they weren’t really around until WOTLK.

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I already unsubbed both accounts and enjoying Elden ring dlc.

I am here complaining, because the game and the company is trash. Literally private servers of 3people did better job then multimillion dollar company.

There is nothing celebrity about it i dont even host gdkps, but its the only pug system I would join on my alts, because people dont leave and you get rewarded for your time regardless if your loot drops or not.

Hardcore is for idiots, you forced to play with some of the worst players in the world, because anyone with half a brain doesnt waste time on hc and this game is absolute snooze fest without pvp.

SoD is really bad, incursions, terrible balancing, no pvp and no reason to play alts.

If you gonna white knight for someone find a company thats worth it, Blizzard aint it.

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If you already unsubscribed when can we look forward to you disappearing from the forums?

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In about 18months used all my gold to buy tokens, just incase they re-release plunderstorm.

since the game is perfectly fine with the gdkp ban in place on SoD
shouldnt you be playing the game instead of sitting here on the forums?
or are there not enough options for players?

All the arguments lead to the same thing, lack of action on the dev team.
Pro gdkp or anti gdkp, if youre not trying to find a solution to the real problem, RMT, then you might as well be the problem.

As for a loot system, Its not hard to make fair gdkps work, they just need to set some limits and take over the bidding.
Ive spent enough real money in subscriptions to know how MMOs thrive, and its not by threatening your player base with bans.

i am making oil killing time poking players like you. I think its funny how riled up you all get lol. More you guys post the dumber your “arguments” get. Very entertaining.

yea im surprised you havent gotten removed for trolling by this point

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There is prolly more people online on these forums then the SoD servers.

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Who do you think will get removed for trolling first me or Mtn?

please dont give in to the pro-GDKP


Nobody pays for a spot. .

Not biased at all huh?

They arent. . Saying they are is a blatant lie. (They are the most popular for a reason).

We arent talking about 5mans. . .

Im going to stop you here. Do you have any idea how GDKP works?

Explain to me how receiving something for your time is a detriment?

Doesn’t happen. . . Your entire argument is irrelevant.

Interesting?? I wonder why they’re so popular?

A Tank charging has nothing to do with GDKP. . Stop lying. .

Wow, you probably shouldnt play with these people, huh?

So you’ll never leave. You’ll just keep whining you can’t get paid for every human interaction you have, got it.

Sounds like a skill issue and an excuse to me, you’re such a good player right? Make who you’re playing with better.

I’m not going to rehash what has already been admitted in threads like this.
Yall always go: Never happens. Okay it sometimes happens but thats okay its not every group. “Okay it happens a lot but just dont join them find one that doesnt”

That’s my point, I shouldn’t have to sift through your BS at all.

Its the same handful of people that want it in these threads. No one else even hints at it. That’s not “popular”, what I am referring to, is after people get pre-bis, they refuse to run anything that isnt raiding without payment. once they have t2 or t3, they think themselves so far above the general player that they dont run anything without payment, and it doesn’t end until the server dies. Screw that. I/We don’t want that here. Y’all can go literally wherever else.

You didn’t even quote the correct part of the post lol.

Clearly. It was an example. Try to keep up.

Banning GDKP was an intervention, we knew it was going to be tough.
You guys are hooked on swiped gold.


There is no skill involved in hardcore. In general pve in classic is a waste of time you only do pve so you could pvp. Why would I ever level a character I cant pvp with. You acting like a troll baiting responses

Yeah we know, welcome to my ignore list forum troll.

20 years of playing WoW and never having done a GDKP, having plenty of gold, and just getting gear the way Blizzard intended has actually been incredibly fun and rewarding.


Is that why you do less then half your class dps? 20years of practice, still cant master 2button rotation.

Glad you feel fun and rewarded doing sub 1k dps.

This is why I loved gdkps you get to avoid people like this.

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Homie, I am literally multi-Hero of the Alliance, I get virtually every elite set on half the classes every PvP season, and the first season of even expansion I tap 2400 for funzies before going back to being casual.

In classic last phase I orange parsed a few fights, but this phase idc as much as I dispel a lot and round up adds to ease the burden off healers, because…

I’m our Off-tank. I’m sitting in a 11/13/17 talent set up half the time because swapping all the time is annoying AND I STILL blue and purple parse. I’m literally just more of a team player than you are, and I’m not obsessed with parsing. I make our clears easier than they would be otherwise, and that what actually matters. lol


Seriously, Priest dispel costs 4x as much as Pally (ours is 100mana, and I think priests is in the 400s). It just makes WAY more sense during progression for Pallys to dispel, and I made it a meme that I hog/pad the dispel meter all the time. lol.

Like, most of us don’t even get our buffs anymore. We’re just clearing to keep up the schedule for p4. I probably haven’t gone and gotten buffs in like two months.

My jimmies are mildly rustled just because it’s insane that I’m on the receiving end of some weird elitism from some dudes with enough disposable income to forgo the making and keeping friends part of WoW.