Please don't give in to the GDKP enjoyers

Which is hilarious since the only person who came out and said they swiped was an anti gdkp person.


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Stay alive the entire time. Push yourself.

That’s a weird, unsubstantiated claim. Y’all have a lot of those though.

You can. What do you think /makgora is?
The I cant pvp womp womp defense is getting mad that blizzard didnt allow open pvp on a game whos population is known to grief people lower leveled, or outmanned.

Sorry not sorry you cant 3 tap someone 15 levels below you repeatedly every time they make a new character and cackling to yourself knowing that because of you (for the 4th time), they have to restart their character for the 5th time. Sorry not sorry you can’t run with your 2 or 3 buddies and deathball an entire zone you likely shouldn’t even be in just because you want to ruin peoples day, knowing this time, their character won’t come back and they have to start over.

^-- this scenario might not be verbatim what you would do, but it is an express reason why they decided the hardcore servers weren’t pvp servers. Not to slight pvpers, but as a step to stop griefers.

I mean you can fake a quote to make yourself feel in control, but it doesn’t stop what I said. Quit the game that you clearly don’t find entertaining anymore, and don’t come back.


I’m an idiot because of a preferred method of loot in a raid, while you try to over analyze and project your own insecurities unto 50% of the player base. Without a doubt you’re an ugly loser, no one else could hold such irrational contempt for a loot system.

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I do everything within our guild. Never ran a GDKP or joined one. It doesn’t impact me at all and I honestly don’t care how others enjoy the game.

If they wanted to add GDKP back they would have.

Spamming threads does nothing, the decision was not and has not been in our hands this entire time.

Screaming like children online does nothing here but make everyone look foolish.

By all means though, don’t stop me from y’all banging your collective heads on a brick wall.

Just stop the spam already.


But you can expound on your ambiguous statement which this was a reply to btw framed exactly how yours was with the opposite opinion.

Items on GDKPs can hit high ceilings for sure, but what about the AH, you know, the system almost every player engages with? I can play classic era with double gathering professions and sell low level materials while leveling and without any issues afford my epic riding and still have gold left to spare. In SoD nobody buys any low level materials, your best bet for making gold is rushing to 50 and spam loops for raw gold, inflating the economy every single day… I don’t understand how anyone can think that’s a better economy.

AH yes farming mats on ERA.

Making 250g a day mining must go really fast with people rmting 30000 for 100 bucks lol

ERA is the RMT version of wow now.


Mind your business and stay in school. This conversation is more than one response.

You quoted clear sarcasm to try to make yourself look good I was just calling you out

Have to agree here. The game has been significantly less botted since GDKPs have been banned. I bet you have stats to back that up too, Blizz! Thank you for removing gdkps!


Sure, whatever you say man.

Cope more.

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People were spamming threads to ban GDKPs in the past though and are doing so at this very moment for Cata (to a lesser extent admittedly) last time I looked over discussion GDKP talk wise.