Please don't give in to the GDKP enjoyers

It is a little odd that most of the most adamant pro-dkpers post on either a level 60 or 85 toon. Not sure that helps your arguments.

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As you post on a level 20…

We are at least posting on a max level toon in a classic version of the game…

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Most of the antis have 0 idea what actually happens in a gdkp.

I swear they get their info from a YouTube video.

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because most of us played wow before sod, and thus post on characters that we posted on before sod existed, you on the other hand are posting on a level 20 sod character

woo the cata classic boogeyman is in the same guild in sod as cataclysm woo woo ghost noises i’m hiding who i am woo

are you satisfied i have played sod yet mr level 20 paladin?

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I think most anti-gdkpers never made it to lvl 60. Majority of those guys are just obvious forum trolls with close to zero understanding of the game mechanics and economics, but then again you could say the same about the SoD dev team.

Peepojorts the best peepo

Still on a level 20?


It’s funny how same thing could be said about the pro-GDKP crowd. If you really want it to change back the approach you guys are taking is only guaranteeing it will never come back to SOD. But then again a lot of you seem to flat out hate SOD anyway and just troll.

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Well you cant say that pro-gdkp people havent hit 60, most gdkpers have multiple chars at 60 and good logs, most anti-gdkpers are against it because they dont have the logs to join a gdkp in general anti-gdkpers are just a low skill plebs spamming the forums 24/7.

I mean the pvp is garbage, incursions are garbage. Class balance is terrible, you can clearly tell there are classes and specs nobody is working on. They have no real testers and just guess values. Literally just spitting on what classic is. They should of released a fresh era servers without any changes and call it a day.

Playing this game without the best loot system is a waste of time.

Blizzard use to be my favorite company, now I rather play bethesda or EA then touch anything made by Blizzard.

They just want your money, unsubbed.

Ohh look at that truth… Them GDKPS I rocked didnt wipe. Them SR and HR MS/OS rollen raids did though i did in the past, matters not just stopped playing the GDKP alts and only do main guild runs now cause i will never run random tradechat groups that are not gdkps with a discord and some history. Randoms are bad in pve and pvp simple as that.

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what makes you say this? the arguments between it changing originally and changing back are conducted in the same way, the same way everything is argued, with multiple threads complaining about it every day

Blizzard should really just send a POLL to every char that is 8/8 in ST and have a vote on GDKP. Stop looking at the for or against on forums. In game players that raid are the ones that matter. Cut out the guess work one vote per account that is 8/8. Shut both sides up.

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Then post them results so we can all see them.

They won’t tho because they know the antis are in the vast minority

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See “paying for a spot”, “you dont have to bid on it if its artifically going higher” isnt an argument. In this context, if you pay for a spot, you deserve a shot at the gear. If you didnt pay for a slot but the only gear you need is being artificially placed out of your reach by greedy whales, why be there at all?

The problem yall keep portraying is, despite enough evidence for videos to be created literally mocking the existence of gdkps, you make the defense that everything about gdkps are separate, non overlapping issues one can ignore. They aren’t.

When they are the only way to content outside of a committed schedule when the content/server isnt dead or when the people you do know arent on/arent free, you dont have much of a choice.

If i open the LFD tool for example in the versions of the game that have it, i shouldn’t have to sift through 10s of groups that want to charge me to do content i already pay for and already can complete just to find one i can go to. On classic, i shouldnt have to sift through tens of “LF” to find a group that doesnt charge me to do content I can do and have already done with no issue in a game i already pay for. We will simply never agree on this, i fear.

The only people anyone sees that are mad, are the gdkp enjoyers that they aren’t getting their way in yet another version of the game. Im just talking to you. The ones im not, are the ones that seek to gain an emotional response to start a fight or the ones that dont read. Your beginjing to turn into a combo of both of those. Literally relax.

What i said was: refusing to do content unless your paid is cringe. Not wanting to do any content ever unless you get gold out of it is cringe. Monitezing literally everything you can is just greedy.

It brings me back to asshats i saw on retail awhile back, people that did an entire mythic + dungeon, got to the last boss, literally stopped pulling, and said “if you dont pay us x, we leave and brick the key”

That mentality is just not needed in this game. Ever.

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I been doing gdkps since classic launched and I have never seen anyone “pay for a spot”.

Wtf are you even saying?

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And GDKPers just want your gold

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Then leave. Wholly and unequivocally, leave. People like you shouldn’t be here.

But you won’t. You’ll just be here complaining that you cant charge everyone that runs with you for your time like your some celebrity in the -one- game mode that doesnt allow it.

Go do it in hardcore. Thats likely one place you havent done it yet. If youre so good at vanilla it shouldnt be a problem right? Its not like youll die with all the loot embarrassingly like that one group of people that wanted to do it.


Really doubt they look at the forums it is even more doubtful they make decisions based on the forums. The forums are more for the players to discuss things amongst themselves.

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Did you do them in the OG?