Please don't give in to the GDKP enjoyers

Nah, I complete about 4 or 5 times. So in the next phase when the sweats ask “did you do blahblah fight?” I can say “yes, look at this ring I got”
Like I said, just see what the new stuff is all about.
Do that raid for 3 months? Nah. Unless my guild needs me. But that hasn’t happened. They have their own friend group to have fun with.

Whats your experience, I would love for you to show me how its non anecdotal aswell.

It “ends up” in much greater numbers within gdkps.

You actually think asking loaded questions is okay and not an attempt at…

This gotcha.

Quick question, how are they greedy and you arent if you both use the same loot method?


yikes, the mask really drops i guess.
people who enjoy playing the game a bit differently to you are PARASITES
you will gladly tank your own gaming experience and the overall health/population of the server to be RID OF THE PARASITES

real mental illness on display.

10 or 20 man, the raid is still like 6 bosses and is painfully easy, with 3 of the bosses being literally back to back with no trash. The whole thing can be cleared in 45 minutes by people who are not chugging barbiturates for breakfast.

Why do the 20 mans take an hour to form?
Oh, because they are not organized…
Why are they not organized?
Oh, because GDKP is banned so there is no incentive for any leaders to put in effort…


Back this up.

You actually think asking loaded questions is okay and not an attempt at…

How is it a loaded question? You’re the one bringing your friends up and said their pots are too small, which means too few of them need the gear, and they’re looking for new players, which gives your friends more of a reason to raid. It makes sense for others to understand this as GDKPs providing more activity.

Quick question, how are they greedy and you arent if you both use the same loot method?

YOU brought up your friends. YOU said they’re greedy. YOUR greedy friends use a loot system, so everyone who uses that same loot system must be greedy?

Is this some kind of a joke?

Stop bringing up things and then asking other people to explain it for you.

Again, if you want to bring up an argument, then actually bring up an argument and back it up. Why start with this crap with your greedy friends?

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have you even gdkpd bro, no one is forcing your hand to bid, no one even forced you to join the group… now theyre forcing you to automatically outbid everyone else? next thing theyre going to force you to solo the boss and steal your moms credit card.

How about this, you ignore the gdkp leaders. And you wait in “LFG channel Queue” for a group that fits your needs.

If you cant find it, it must be because of all the parasites.

ps. The biggest loot concern you have seems to stem around Corrupt raid leaders, which can(and will since theres no where else allowed) be in your regular ms/os, “accidently” handing items off to whomever they want, or those same people that “inflate your bids” can be rolling need on items they already have to pass it to a friend that isnt you.

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I can see you dont actually understand whats happening here, good luck in life lmao.

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LOL right, I don’t understand, so how about you double down on all of this and continue talking about your greedy friends? That’s the start of your argument, yeah? Keep going. I’d like to see how well this goes for you.

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Hes lying.

He doesnt have any friends.

Yeah it never made much sense. He claims his guild is bringing in new people because they want more gold, but then says his guild still needs gear. Then out of nowhere the alts need gear too, so why the need for new players? That’s not how it works at all lol.

Gotta give them a chance to look stupid though

Toughburger, where you at? Please continue talking about your “friend’s” guild that’s selling gear that the guild still needs.

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I think hes at the point where he just openly lies to try to cover up for his other lies.

Wait I thought it was a loot system not selling BOPs

A loot system which uses bidding.
they are pre-bid privately.
this is the GDKP equivalent of a HR, except the pre-bid amount is contributed to the overall pot (so everyone benefits) rather than just the individual.

This is only really used for items like atiesh/valnyr/shadowmourne shards which require x30 or whatever to complete 1 item. They repeatedly drop and it doesn’t make sense to bid them off individually, where you will get different prices.
It also leaves people who are obviously trying to complete legendaries open to being maliciously upbid by a bad actor.
GDKPs would have a ‘set’ person in each run weekly until they completed their item, then a new offline bid would be held to find a new regular buyer.

The benefit to the raid is that there is always a buyer for shards, as, for example some healers may not want to commit to completing the entire valynr item and so would not buy the shards, leaving them to be wasted (worse case).

so, you pre-sell them at a set price per shard, this is usually a fairly standard price across the realm.

i’ve seen rare instances of very powerful/rare/special request items being pre-bid, such as nelths tear from BWL, but there is no real benefit to doing this.

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Ok that does make sense thanks for the explanation.

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No one has ever forced you to use a loot option before. Lol what?

Oh I see, so you just dont like how popular it is because you dont prefer it and want to ban it for that reason. Cool.

Ignorant ones rarely do.

To show that its predatory towards people, they are specifically targeting people to “pug” that have deep pockets. But really they are just looking for whale that they can bid up on stuff they don’t need, for gold they don’t need and will just sit on. If they are fully geared and there only motivation to play is a gdkp pot of gold then they really don’t like the game and need to be bribed to play it. Why would you cater to someone who doesn’t like your game?


Yes, there are predatory people, and I’m not a fan of those trashy people who run carry-oriented GDKPs, but did you not read the rest of his posts?

He brings up his friends that he outs as being greedy, claims they’re selling gear for gold to people outside the guild, then claims the guild still needs the gear, and it quickly becomes apparent that it’s all some bogus story that he’s trying to associate with GDKPs because that’s not how GDKPs or guilds work at all.

If this did happen, it’s clear that the problem here isn’t GDKPs but the guild itself since they’re choosing to sell off gear that the guild still needs, so it’s one of the dumbest made up arguments against GDKPs anyway.

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that whale could simply not buy the bid up item knowing they don’t need it and just stick them with it then?

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Correct but here’s the catch if people are motivated by gold and can use a system to abuse others for gold/items in game then maybe that system isnt good for the game.


or crazy thought here maybe the people that need it could just /roll for it.

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