Please don't give in to the GDKP enjoyers

This is kind of an issue though. Like in classic, you’ll have some people who spend months or a year helping their guild with bad look on items like rejuve or DFT etc but the guild ‘‘needs’’ to do lower tiers at GDKP to keep up with inflation (not closed circuit gold then either) and that long term person gets screwed over. Unless the guild is willing to buy the item as a HR, which often is several months of low tier GDKP runs to afford.

It really just ends up screwing over people out of favour, out of luck, who sought out a non-GDKP guild.

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Who’s selling gold?

Think about it: the server went from having raw gold being generated by mostly bots to every player and bots pumping raw gold into the economy. Incursions were by far the worst thing Blizzard has come up with in classic.

Currently got a lvl 55 mage, have bought 3 epic items while leveling worth on average about 200g each. Skinning + Mining is very profitable. Regarding end game costs? I dunno, don’t really care much about end game in classic era currently.

Love how dead SoD is atm, the anti-GDKP crowd deserves it. :grinning:


If there are more of those than there are of yours, by definition its the norm.

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There isn’t.

I have never seen a GDKP anywhere HR items, it literally goes against what a gdkp is.

I’m calling cap.

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Yeah its unfortunate i legit quit playing with the release of p3. I just quit SoD and i dont think i will ever come back.

I just play era, cata (:nauseated_face: i know, shut up) and hardcore.

I wish they never did incursions it has to be the absolute worse thing i ever done or seen in wow and i been playing since vanilla.

On Era it has been pretty common for GDKPs to HR binding for 10 to 100k depending the group.

This is often done by guilds that run GDKPs but want TF for their tank.

HR the stuff with a price is fine but he made it seem it was HR for free.

What you’re talking about is just pre sold.

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Lol ok, so don’t come back for P4.



For the first few weeks into Ulduar they were already selling shards for the healer mace.

This is seemingly a normality within gdkps of a pugged nature.

Calling it HR is what is strange.

They are pre sold.

Its how I always seen it advertised.


Yes cuz you only do bad trade chat gdkps I guess so you don’t have any clue on what you’re talking about.

Makes sense.

Keep telling myself what, exactly?
That bots and RMT are strong as ever in SoD despite GDKP being banned for multiple phases?

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The majority of GDKPs are organized via Discord. They do not advertise specific runs in game, only the existence of their discord with no further details. This is because they will have multiple active sign ups for different days/times and can’t post them all in game.

You’re only seeing the dog water pop up scam GDKPs operated by gold farmers, idiots and thieves.

Oh, you mean val’nyr/shadowmourne shards? right.
Yes, these are often pre-sold to someone in discord to ensure faster completed items rather than spreading around a few shards to lots of different players. It seems pretty obvious what the benefit of this is.
You will also see shards HR in MS>OS runs for the exact same reason.

If you’re seeing shard sales in LFG it means you’re looking at a disorganized / irregular run hosted by some rando.

You’re advertising GDKP as a great pick up group standard but only if you do sign ups ahead of time and not actually pug it. That’s dishonest. Getting people to sign up ahead of time and organising it still makes it an organised raid just with randoms.

To be clear, in a perfect world without gold buying or botting I do agree GDKP would be a great loot system. Just disparaging LFG GDKPs while also claiming its the best PuG format should be pointed out as LFG runs are the primary form of PuG runs.

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This exact same standard applies to all loot systems.

MS>OS is great if you trust the leader, if you just join rando groups out of LFG you expose yourself to ninjas, a disorganized raid and an unlikely outcome.

I’m simply addressing the weird advertisement points, which only need to happen with disorganized PUGs without any prior history, community or playerbase.

It’s not a unique GDKP issue, but that doesn’t mean I can’t respond to the points…