Please dont bend to the streamers will on hardcore realms

Probably has me on ignore or something which is fine.

'Cause I’m all over these forums talking about my history on BB.

Yes, because it’s important.

OK, you go ahead and spam it then. I’m fine saying it once.

Thanks, I will. Mainly because people like Eyr come along and insert their own narrative. Which is false.

cool, we have the entire population itt :expressionless:

You would be wrong. Here’s dungeon rules copied from the site.

  1. Only 1 Dungeon ID of each dungeon per character. HC addon tracks Dungeon IDs.
  2. (Dungeon) quests may be completed by your Hardcore Dungeon group.
  3. All dungeon participants must be valid HC characters.
  4. No minimum level for dungeons; maximum level is displayed on the dungeon’s meeting stone.

I’ve never done this in Classic with my guild or friend group.

Bloodsail Buccaneers was fine before the streamer minions showed up.
The hc players present before and just after TBCC dropped were decent and considerate, playing well with a mixed group of playstyles.
Can’t say that’s been my experience with the johnny-come-latelys to hc and BsB.

Gold buyer Detected!!!

What is a HC spirit?

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It 100% is worth it. “making the game difficult” was not the reason trading is forbidden. Trading and grouping were forbidden to keep people from taking away from the experience of original vanilla wow.

Not to mention, as a side, it has completely killed the gold buying industry on BSB. If you allow trading at any level gold buyers will be a problem. (yes, even on an official HC server.) Gold farmers will find a way to farm if there is a market. The only way to stop gold farmers is to destroy the market.

If you allow trading you create the market for farmers. Wnd we have already seen that the only way to destroy the market is by A: disallowing trading sub 60 and completley disabling the AH or B: WOW TOKENS

Which would you prefer? (I think I can guess, you seem like the type that would sell gold.)


Couldn’t Blizzard just take gold out of the equation?

I would love to see tradeskillers and questers be able to trade necessary materials so why not a barter/trade economy devoid of gold exchange? Disable the ability to trade gold.

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this 100%
trading = evil
simple as that

I was hoping for trading mats and level appropriate crafted items. Remove the AH, since it doesn’t really promote community just faceless transactions. And I’d like the mail from NPCs to be allowed.
A poster suggested making a trade NPC in the city. Stocked with mats who can (for instance) trade your linen for copper ore, or light leather/hide. Wool cloth for tin, bronze bar, medium leather, and so on. If you need an enchanting rod you could trade crafted item of the same level category. Like four brown linen robes for copper rod, five woolen gloves for silver rod…
That’s a lot of coding though.

Honest question here but why?

I can see the argument maybe on existing realms where people have amassed tons of gold and you could keep yourself geared to the nines but on HC everyone would start over. I’m guessing no transfers as that would defeat the point. On a HC dedicated realm I think the economy would self regulating. Maybe some options of stuff to buy early on and less and less the higher you get in level.

The ideal third option is Blizzard actually caring enough about gold sellers and bot farmers to actually stop them.

Honestly, bots and gold sellers are an issue in every game but I swear WoW has it the worst and I’m not sure its popularity is the only reason.

that ain’t happening
so as it stands, trade = RMT
they are functionally equivalent
so turn off trading. only solution :expressionless:

Everyone ignoring that the restrictions aren’t in place for anything other than preventing abuse.

If it was to keep HC SSF then duo’s and trio’s wouldn’t be able to trade either.

Taking away the mmo aspect of the mmo is tons of “fun”.

Even now on BSB people don’t do dungeons until being almost at max level (stated by the add on) for them.

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ofc. sending gold/items to an alt or trading those with other HC players is considered abuse tho.

generalization thats not true. every time i form a group people lower lvl apply.
did WC as tank with an lvl 18 healer for example.

Pretty true. For every group that brings a lower level (in bracket) healer there are 5 that don’t.

So on an official HC server where everyone only has 1 life what is the harm in trading or AH? Bring the mmo back to the mmo we are playing.