for release it doesn no harm. after 1-2 months when people are max lvl new chars are gonna be twinked out by friends/guild/main. thats then not a server with HC spirit but rather ERA just with death=delete.
The people who are gonna do that can do that now with the add on working the way it does.
Like I said before the restrictions are merely in place to prevent abuse. On a server where everyone is 1 life it makes less sense to have them.
There will still be people who want to do the SSF mode and they should be able to. Would probably be even better to do it on a server where everyone has 1 life rather than rely on personal integrity on BSB like they do right now.
they can but only with cheating. the rules dont allow it.
for me it makes sense to have a lasting server with HC spirit.
but ye it will be how it will be. if blizz doesnt release a server with SSF im just gonna leave HC after the server reached the twinked out state and i die.
And that’s their choice. You can make a group that includes lower levels if you like. Personally I don’t want to do a dungeon with gray mobs, it’s a snooze fest.
HC is a personal challenge (imo) so I don’t spend a lot of time worrying how others approach it. Cheating, or making it as easy as possible, is only cheating yourself.
You still know deep down that you’re a fail.
It’s there still, you’ve got a lot of people playing, you can group for what’s allowed, and you’re online. That covers the tag MMO.
It would help a lot. At the very least we’d know they haven’t cheated deaths. And as a bonus, Bloodsail can go back to being an RP server.
Yup. Seeing tons of people running around refusing to group cause of SSF is exactly what I envision with MMO.
Be clear SSF HC is not HC it’s SSF. Big difference. Also hard to call SSF mmo compatible Y’know since you have two conflicting things going on there. Solo and massive multiplayer.
even if blizz does a SSF server they wouldnt restrict grouping.
dont think theres a way to differentiate between people forming a dungeon group and people grouping to kill a q mob.
preventing the server to become a twink fest is more relevant anyways imo.
Nope, it’s hardcore. What about the old Ironman, is that fake hardcore too?
M - massive world
M - lots of players
O - online required
Nowhere in that tag does it state that you must group with other players and they aren’t required to group with you.
Hardcore is a completely different mode. If you want constant grouping, and all the other goodies you have Era, Wrath, and Retail.
By the way, you’ll likely get a hardcore that allows all your desires. Enjoy your cheap win.
The massive (actually massively) in mmo doesn’t refer to the map but rather the amount of players.
Since you seem to be a big fan of SSF it makes sense you wouldn’t understand the distinction there.
Right, a very large map that can accommodate a large amount of players. ¿Comprende?
Imagine not understanding mmo and being condescending to people who prefer to not play one solo.
No one is forcing you to solo though. Like I said, you’ll get your ez mode hardcore, no need to get your britches in a bunch.
unrestricted trading*
Players as usual are to blame.
Doubt it can ever go back to what it was without enforcing restrictions.
And sadly Blizzard will of course try to appeal to the masses, even when the masses have zero experience and haven’t experienced the positives and negatives of the ‘restricted’ way of playing.
That’s just the way it is.
I believe that’s really the key here: unrestricted.
Doesn’t seem to me that players object to tradeskillers or those looking to complete certain quests with tradeskill items having broader access to those supplies. I would hope that Blizzard would at least consider removing the ability to exchange gold via player2player trading or mail. Then they could announce that because of this lack of moolah they are pulling out of the auctioneering business as well and the AHs (H/A/neutral) shut down.
by the by does anyone else see a slight physical resemblance between Jastor Gallywix and a certain yacht-loving ceo?

by the by does anyone else see a slight physical resemblance between Jastor Gallywix and a certain yacht-loving ceo?

trading is the root of all evil
Do you seriously expect a player to pick up BSing, first, to make ALL the Enchanting Rods, drop BSing and pick up Enchanting, afterwards? IK you love HC, but that’s a bit excessive.
No no no you see they just need to do a duo or trio with a BS. Cause the rules are different there… why? Cause they said so.
Not because the rules are only in place to prevent abuse/exploitation.

No no no you see they just need to do a duo or trio with a BS. Cause the rules are different there… why? Cause they said so.
Not because the rules are only in place to prevent abuse/exploitation
I can’t remember if they’re the same one to say Duo and Trio shouldn’t be a thing or not.
At least that would be consistent.
Maybe some users here, but the SSF HC add on clearly allows duos and trios with trading.

Maybe some users here
Again, I’m trying to remember. I want to give them some consistency, here.

the SSF HC add on clearly allows duos and trios with trading
We know, but that’s not the main point, rn.
I’m trying to see how consistent this “no trading” stance is with this individual. If they’re against Duos & Trios, at least they’re consistent. If they’re not, then they look very silly.