Please dont bend to the streamers will on hardcore realms

The server as they are planning will change nothing for addon users. We’ll still need it to verify and keep it clean from trading, mail and grouping.
The question is, would it be better to stay on the current server or go ahead with the new ones. We’ll still be playing with people who are playing a normal game. Just a whole lot less of them on the current server.

I hope once the HC servers launch Blizzard would start reinforcing RP realm status rules to the RP realms. Especially since this isn’t 2019 launch, and the unpopulated PvE servers are just as viable a destination (even the OCE PvE server!).


Hc servers should have trading but no ah, also, no trading before level 30.

Why level 30, Does something change?

Only people that have no argument say this.

this is false

Classic era is an extremely simply and straightforward game. There is nothing tough about it, something being a grind doesn’t mean it’s difficult. Time spent doing something isn’t a measurement of difficulty. name one thing that is difficult in classic era that by allowing trading that isn’t already allowed in the addon’s own rules trivializes it.

Can’t name any 60+ content because trading is allowed for 60s.
Can’t name dungeons because you’re allowed to share loot in dungeons and coordinate who gets what drops.
So you’re left with the leveling experience, and as most hardcore streamers have shown, most of them are taking the very easy way of doing it, they mostly level against greens and don’t do quests that is of their level often. They completely skip out on most elite/escort quests. And even if they did trade for better gear at every level up, they wouldn’t ge tmuch benefit from it, because trading BoEs at low levels is capped by level requirements and extreme cost for mats.

The only people who I could see trivializing the leveling experience by allowing trading are people making alts after having had level 60s on the hardcore server for several months and have farmed the materials that have crafting CDs to make with rare drops and dangerous gathering locations for the drops. So only the alts of the biggest sweatlords. And I’ll be honest, let those sweatlords have their fun, it’s not going to have any affect on the majority of the other population on the server. The average person leveling their first character to 60, even with trading is going to have to work for it.

Killing the low level server economy to prevent “twinks” isn’t worth it.

who ur talkin about here exactly?

hardcore still shouldnt be premade dungeon spam rushing to 60.

its worth it to create a lasting server with an HC spirit.
otherwise this server will end up looking exactly like era servers after few months.


There were ome statistics that were recently done sharing that most hardcore players die befor level 30. That’s one reason why. Also, it would stop high levels from Trading a lot of twink gear to low levels to make it a lot easier, the higher the level the less that gear matters. In theory.

As for removing the auction house, it’ll drastically reduce the ability for bots to pump materials into the system, hopefully.

I think it’s best y’all go to the HC server and give BB back to RPers.

Not really. We can’t group with each together, trade with each other (though, nothing says HC players cannot trade things TO non-HC players, but I get it, can’t risk alerting the trade alarm), do quests together, etc.

At best, we can share a guild/sign guild charters.

Otherwise, there’s not much our communities are doing for each other than ignoring each other. While, it’s nice y’all populated the server, but it’s really an illusion, and playing “normally” on BB is still the same as it was but with faster respawns and layering.

I started on Bloodsail at launch. It’s my home server. I have an RP friendly name on my character, and I also use TRP so you can read my back story. If the new server is a borked up mess I will stay on my home server, tyvm.

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While this is true, I wasn’t referring to you guys. What I’m saying is that for people who use the addon the new servers will make no difference for us. We will still be unable to group with them (non addon players) since they are playing normally. Being on Bloodsail makes no difference in our gameplay. In fact it’s bound to be a nice nicer experience since the streamer kiddies will all leave, following their drone masters.

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can we stop pretending that BB has ever or will ever have a significant population of softcore RPers? thanks :expressionless:

That’s a non argument Eyr. It doesn’t matter how few RP there, it’s still an RP server and the basic rules need to be observed. The bulk of the HC community doesn’t give a fig about the purpose of the server nor it’s original inhabitants.

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literally 0 people played it before HC :expressionless:
some dude looked and the AH was empty. not a few items. empty. nada. zilch items.

That’s rubbish. You weren’t playing there before HC took off, how would you even know this. You are creating your own narrative as usual. The AH is not an indicator, RP does not require an economy.
Again, none of this matters, ITS AN RP-PVE SERVER, and that should still be observed.

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I guess that’s true. I didn’t mind HC, back when they were smaller and a lot nicer.

You have 2 people in this thread who played BsB while it was dead lol. I played on it to RP during 2019 release too, and would have gone back to it recently if things looked better. My fun there was not decided by making AH gold, I think I went there once to get a bronze tube for the duskwood quest.


They were fine before the rush.

Yes, we’re both saying the same thing lol