Please dont bend to the streamers will on hardcore realms

Couldn’t you just put a limit on player trades instead of prohibiting them? No gold transactions to start perhaps?

Two level 14’s in The Barrens can’t swap level 11 BoE greens that help the other person out by +2 -insert stat-?

If this was the gameplay yall wanted you shoulda played on Era servers like 30 days after TBC. I leveled two rogues totally solo to max level and social interaction was limited to trolling the other 10 players on the server in LFG - just to know you weren’t alone in being totally alone.

aint he right tho?

Professions were designed to be completed with the help of other players who were providing components. Many profession items cannot be made by one player without that access.

I picked up Herbalism and Skinning, to pack up the materials I need to make Pots for Quests and Bags for Tailoring.

Then, I plan to go Mining/BSing to make the Rods to pick up Enchanting.

For my Paladin.

don’t you get it man?
they are the same thing
they are one and the same
trading = P2W :expressionless:

What? This is a new one.

A lot of people have waterred down the term so much that it doesnt mean anything anymore


I agree, it’s just, this is the first time I’ve heard trading being used that way lol

Guess all those bouquets I traded to folks, for RP purposes is “P2W” :smile:

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if a server allows trade, it allows p2w
they are, for all intents and purposes, the same :expressionless:

I wouldn’t call it ptw, but yeah a higher level character could trade you gear, mats, consumables and more to ‘ease’ your run.
I have a difficult time calling that hardcore.


So this is for sure too clunky to ever be implemented, but what if you could only transfer by trade or mail any item or gold only to a higher or equal level character? So your low level alt can send you mats for crafting but your main cannot help the alt.

This way you could still pay higher level characters for services like help killing elites, portals, summons, but it would have to come from your hard earned gold while levelling that toon, and set you back from getting gold for your mount etc.

While, I agree with you (mostly), I remember whatever greens I found (or even cloth), I mailed them over to a Tailoring/Enchanting friend. I was not a high level, and I didn’t use the AH. Just purely whatever I looted.

We didn’t run into each other until around level 20ish. And, off and on, we would level together/help each other out.

We might as well have been a “Duo”, in the challenge (minus the “no dying”, OFC).

What are your thoughts on that?

I do think limiting trading and AH would really take away from what MMORPG is. Even with it being HC the ability to craft and trade matts and risk losing not only the char but the progress of leveling the craft add so much more.


I’m of the Ironman mindset when picturing what hardcore should be, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Duo and especially trio feel cheesy. They are allowed and one run of each dungeon because the addon is more generous than the old school Ironman. I say cheesy since a trio is like a tornado and tears through everything in their path. It definitely makes the mode easier.
Blizzard won’t code all of this in, to think they would is nuts, it’s a ton of work. I wish they could but these servers are likely going to be death = delete plus some changes to prevent griefing. Nothing more.

It’s a different mode so it would differ from what you consider fundamental to an MMO. It seems like a lot of people are wanting a different mode so long is it’s just like regular mode. This seems odd.

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I think Diablo kinda set the main stream of an idea of HC and it had at least trading. ALSO super side note just try NES or SEGA is u want some real IRONMAN 1 life games that very very few people beat.


you do realize without ssf asmongold is going to hop on the server and get literally everything traded to him right. It’s anti-streamer if anything to restrict trading.

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most of the current big HC streamers want a SSF server with restricting rules implemented. thats what OP is referring to.
but i get what ur saying. those streamer who dont care about legitimate HC would abuse -no rules- for sure.

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Won’t the addon still work if some choose to use it?
Seems a lot simpler to manage for everyone.
No trading in the game is odd to me but I get that some feel it makes the challenge too easy for them.
So allowing for differing levels of difficulty would be a lot more inclusive and provide a healthy pop for the server/servers.

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It should, unless the creators decide to let it go and don’t update it. It would be necessary if you want to play by those rules. It helps you verify the players who you choose to dungeon with. Grouping with non addon characters can invalidate your run.

I’m sure it seems odd if you’re looking at it as “the way it’s always been”. This self found mode (addon rules) is completely different, it’s the same world but a different approach on how you play it. Personally I find it refreshing. Not feeling you must hurry to endgame, or must be decked out in the very best all through the journey, or focusing on parsing and min maxing. We can get our fix on this “normal” play in the existing modes. Something different is nice for a change. Of course it’s not for everyone, no argument there.

People will need to adjust and also be considerate of each other’s play styles since the server(s) we’ll be getting aren’t going to have strict Ironman like rules. Whether the two groups blend well or not remains to be seen. Bloodsail doesn’t have a lot of conflict between play styles because it’s mainly HC players at this time so we have no way of knowing how this will work out.
Most people are decent and considerate, it should all work out ok. Right?

BSB more HardCore then official HC is going to be… blizzard is a failure.