Please dont bend to the streamers will on hardcore realms

people are going to die so often due to random stuff (i.e. patrols, cliffs, disconnects, game crashes, etc.).

It’s going to be a blood-bath for the everyday center-of-the-bell-curve wow player, often exhausted from their IRL.

frankly, to have a healthy guild raiding scene, i am not sure grouping and trading will be enough. :no_mouth:

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How dare you be reasonable and willing to be inclusive of all?
That’s not allowed.

But then how would some indulge their weird superiority complex?

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Imagine thinking it’s tough.


No it’s not

It’s interesting how much people talk about classic community then do literally everything possible to play single player mode.


yah nice cope, nobody dies to “bugs” :roll_eyes:

you’re preferred method is not “as intended” so please stop inserting yourself like you are the authority on the way to play an mmorpg, it’s embarrassing

Oh sure.


then dont use them, and dont change the game bc you want to play it in a un intended way, if you want it hard then play it hard there is no badge of honor bc you did it HC

death=delete is an unintended way, so why have the servers at all :roll_eyes:

No its not.

yes it is.

Okay I concede.

Anti AH are always saying: " bots RMT bots RMT bots RMT" it’s funny because they want trade at lvl 60 Where the real RMT is and GDKP may exist.

Even if they rule the grouping, people Will just help in kills and make rotations for that.

Blizzard would just let this people play offline for their solo run :rofl: people Will always find the way to cheat and make the Game easier because the rules do not make the Game harder, just Make it boring and longer with the same result.

Zelda tok is live guys if You wanna play a real solo player Game mode, play tok HC and start again when You die, good luck :fire:

“tough game”


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If Hardcore is played by add on rules…… yes.

Living in your moms basement at 40, playing 80 hours a week, and buying wow tokens hot off the press would make the game “ easy for you “ I suppose :person_shrugging:t2:

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Exactly, San. People are always gonna find some way to exploit the mechanics in order to get ahead. I can’t remember which expansion release, but I recall someone hitting max level within 18 hours of release because he would ‘tag’ high level mobs and have dozens of guildmates kill them. He still got the credit, despite the exploitation.

This made me lol irl. Wow tough game lol. Minecraft is tougher than even HC wow. Why?

Because the wow player will find a way to exploit the game like grinding mobs below lvl so they wont die.

And the biggest exploiters are probably the ones that came up with the rules.

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Some are desperate to try to claim that Era is challenging. Season of delusional

Completing the challenge with the rules was very easy.