Please don't add forced lgbt representation

There’s a vast amount of stuff that’s not “needed” but by it being there it makes the world a vibrant living place to spend time in. It’s also what sets WoW apart from other MMOs. Romance exists in WoW and is part of quite a few quests and an entire holiday, of which I don’t see anyone trying to get removed because they don’t want romance. :smiley:

/goes off to search fanfiction sites :sweat_smile:


Yeah I mean, IMO we should just put some good ol’ gay stuff in there. No need to hold it to the perfect standard of “It shouldn’t be forced!” or “this character should be like this!”


Weeeell…there was that Armory glitch a few years back, when some characters as displayed appeared to have – ah, nevermind.

Update: I just found out this post was removed but a staff member restored it. I didn’t even know it was removed XD.


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As a member of the LGBT community I'm tired of seeing it thrown into everything I do. Movies? Needs lgbt. Games? needs lgbt. Birthday cake? needs lgbt. LGBT does not need to be in everything. Leave it alone.
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Holy crap. This person gets it. Like, really gets it.

Kudos to you.


I had a post removed by a staff member over in the other thread. Was surprised as it was pretty innocuous. I won’t express my thoughts on it because it might just lead to another silence. lol

Well now you’ve peaked my interest. I want to know now XD.

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lol You have me wanting to put most of the post in because it really is odd it was removed.

I had a bunch typed and removed it do to my overthinking and the fact the original post was removed. Basically George Soros invested money in Blizzard Activision and I was curious if that would have an impact on them, knowing who he is and who he isn’t afraid to go after. It might very well not happen. I was simply curious and responding to someone saying threads like this have been locked and deleted in the past. What happened days after, because it was days, certainly makes me question the forums even more than I did in the past.

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If I disappear from the forums I shall be here. :sweat_smile:

I see. That would be an interesting topic.

Lol. You should have seen the list of restores on my other thread. They were really reefing on that one. I don’t think it ever got locked either…

I guess if you ask it just won’t get locked.

It’s unrealistic for everyone to be straight. Keeping every character straight is forced heterosexual pandering, because hets flip their lids when a character ends up realizing they’re not het.

If it’s a new character? “Character made to check a diversity box.”
If it’s an established character? “Forced representation.”

It is exhausting to be LGBTQ simply because people hate that LGBTQ people exist in media, ever, at all. It’s never “forced.” It’s realistic. I’m sorry that you feel the way that you do about it. Maybe you’re exhausted by the angry mobs of people when one lady thinks other women are pretty, too. I know I am.

I’m not “forced representation” or a “checked-box for diversity.” I’m real. I identified as straight until high school. Was I changed for diversity? No. I’m realistic. People often don’t find themselves until later.

There are millions of LGBTQ people. It’s simply a fact that they exist in every space of life. It won’t be normalized in media until it’s normal for characters to be LGBTQ. By forcing every character to be straight and cis, it will only make matters worse for us. When kids see LGBTQ people in good shows, good games, and good movies, they aren’t surprised when they see LGBTQ people in real life. That’s why it’s good.

People naturally hate when they see people doing something they don’t consider normal or right. This is what leads to deaths and miserable people who have done nothing wrong. If kids see that someone isn’t following what they were “taught” by their media, they’re going to bully them and hurt them. They’re going to become bigoted adults. Representation is the only way to make life normal for us.


Well you’re in luck, BFA sucks.

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You’re not wrong.

This conversation does happen in good games too, though. Overwatch. The Last of Us. Games where characters never expressed interest in the opposite gender, people became enraged by them simply existing as LGBTQ characters. There is no “right way” to do representation in peoples’ eyes. So, you just have to do it.


Its a brilliant conversation to have especially when people are constantly trying to keep LGBT people down… Why did the original LGBT thread get locked again?


In my opinion, its fine if its natural and doesn’t feel forced or out of no where.

Avatar: Legend of Korra = BAD LGBT - my grandmas soap opera does LGBT better.

Soldier 76/Tracer = BAD LGBT - Its not hinted at in game at all, the only way you know is due to comics and stories - half of them have been retconned. These characters also aren’t even gay in certain countries - so that’s BAD.

Of course no one wants it to be forced… yet. We should definitely continue in the right direction though.

It was suggested the entire time that they were interested in eachother.

It doesn’t need to be. LGBT people can just quietly exist. Tracer doesn’t need to have a voice line about how pretty women are. And in a game like Overwatch, there is very little story in the game because it’s entirely combat.

See what I mean when I said there’s “no right way to do it” to these people? It’s not how they exist, it’s that they exist. It will never be OK, ever, until it’s normalized.


She didn’t even exist in season 1, and it was like… .the last 5 episodes of the last season so not really.

Except I clarified that these characters are NOT LGBT in certain countries (China is one I believe) So whats the point of making them LGBT. It’s bad. I’m not saying making it in your face, but like at least one subtle voice line, something. Its basically “oh btw, Dumbledore is gay”

It was actually hinted at for at least 2 seasons, as far as I know. I didn’t catch the entire show. My group of friends started talking about it a season before it happened, though. Things like this are going to be especially obvious to people who live it, though.

You’re right. It sucks, but these countries are still very anti-LGBTQ and the games wouldn’t be allowed to exist in those countries if there were gay characters. This is an unfortunate proof that people don’t accept LGBTQ people yet. Give it time and we’ll be normal.