Please don't add forced lgbt representation

I agree, but I feel it wouldn’t go over well here seeing how my post got removed. :sweat_smile:

Maybe in off topic. lol

I wanted to use the Aliens meme, but dangit I can’t post the fun stuff anymore. lol

It’s really unfortunate it’s so hard to have a civil conversation about this. It’s like when fighting for same sex marriages and having religious groups gung ho to stop it. Marriage requires a marriage license from your state, so the church has no involvement or say from a legal standpoint so it really should never have been used as a blockage. :frowning:

No, that just means those countries do bad things and heavily curate what you can see. A Chinese show my friends watch called Guardian was taken down for “content adjustments” with no explanation. 40 episodes released and they decide to bring it to a halt.

“Although the novel was explicit about the heroes’ homosexual interactions, the screenwriters were careful to present their relationship as a bond of brotherhood in the hope of avoiding the censors.”


My friend also said the two main actors cannot be seen together. Gives you an idea of what people are up against.

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Blizzard doesn’t get into identity politics because they are very pro-China, who if you didn’t know does not believe in identity politics.

The term “identity politics” is a dog whistle.


What you talking about? That was amazingly well done.

I agree. Even when its done well, there will be folk complaining. Its important to do it and try to be respectful of it.


It’s preferable to have some representation, over none.

I’d argue that Tracer and 76 are examples of pretty decent representation. Sure it’d be nice to have more, but neither are portrayed as harmful stereotypes and 76’s ultra-masculine characterisation actually helps challenge the often problematic portrayal of gay men in media.


It’s simple. If so and so happens to be gay, but they’re there because they do THIS, then it’s fine. If they just happen to be there oh and btw they’re gay everyone!!! fanfare trumpets woot! Then it’s a problem.

I love how these threads just explode because the homophobes are so triggered.

It’s coming… we will have LGBT representation eventually, whether you pretend to be LGBT or not to try to make your homophobic argument more valid.


But…there is already.

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not really


Yes, really.

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please, enlighten me, because 1-3 sprinkled characters that you have to go out of your way to find are hardly representation, especially considering the straight love stories are front and center of the story.

You saying it more doesn’t make it any truer.


Ok, so representation isn’t what you want then. I mean just say it, it’s a lot easier then constantly dancing around the subject. You don’t want representation, you want more and you want it loud and proud. Stop saying representation if yall are constantly going to dismiss the representation.

nice strawman argument.

No, I want meaningful representation. If there are 10 straight stories that are crucial to the main story, there should also be 1 LGBT story that is crucial to the main story.

That’s how representation works. Checking a box by adding a random NPC is NOT representation. Far from it. That’s called tokenism.


That’s not a strawman, learn the definition.

That’s not representation, that’s a forced narrative that may or may not make any sense.

It’s actually both.

the only thing forced here is your homophobia.

But whatever you say, I’m sure real representation is coming. Fight it all you want.


Not my fault you hate gays.

Who’s fighting?

Edit: I love the dingus people on the forums that have no argument and automatically call people homophobic because they might have a different opinion. Really shows the intellectual capacity that so many on these forums have.

lol, and I love how the homophobes always try to defend themselves because they don’t realize how homophobic they are.

If you are going to be a bigot, at least take responsibility for your words.


I’m glad you know so much about the people here. I mean clearly you know the people on this forum more than they know about themselves. It’s not like none of us was in Washington on the steps of the Supreme Court with our friends in the hopes that they might be able to get married years ago. It’s not like any of us were cheering on those same friends at their wedding a few months later.

Oh no, you know everything about us.

Edit: Type faster, it’s like arguing with a 70 year old women with arthritis in both hands.

Whoa buddy, have you hacked into my webcam or something? How do you know so much about me?! Man, you are something else, I’m telling you. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know I was a homophobe. Please tell me how homophobic I am with all your wisdom and knowledge of my personal life.

Lord of Gays, Bi-Tsar & Queen


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