Please don't add forced lgbt representation



Sounds like SJWs to me.


I wonder if in two thousand years there’ll be a church of Bill and Ted.

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You don’t have enough paint for that broad brush. In the case of WBC, well…true. They’re pro trolls, tho.

What you would call “hate”, is lifestyles that they don’t agree with. That doesn’t mean they despise or hate anything, just don’t approve or agree with it.

Even if they “hated” whoever…it’s not illegal, or up for you to decide.


ANTIFA comes to mind.

Ah, true colors being shown.


You should probably go re-read your own posts then.




noun: discrimination ; plural noun: discriminations

the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

Since you clearly don’t udnerstand the word. Just because they have the legal right dosen’t mean they arn’t discriminating. And the can, and did face repricussions for that.

I have the right to deny anyone entering my house, but if my reason for denying them is because they are black, that would be discrimination.

Hate is hate, again, got nothing to do with the law. if your “principles” are that you disagree with gays, then you are a homophobe, a legal homophobe.


noun: tyrant ; plural noun: tyrants

a cruel and oppressive ruler.

Please stop using words you don’t udnerstand and claiming they are ‘facts’.

It made perfect sense and I’m convinced you don’t even know what facts are at this point, do you need ANOTHER dictionary definition here?

Irrelevent. LGBT reprisentation is a global issue and Blizard is a global company.


^ oops, proved me right.


The same people who are speaking on behalf of everyone they think they represent on this issue of asking for representation of human sexuality, as if people really introduce themselves to each other informing their sexual preferences or that it is really something important for other people to know.

The same as that people who ask for LBGT representation are just trolls trying to create controversy. 50/50

Whoah, low blow, GI Joe.

It’s their right to deny, therefore, is not unjust…according to law. Personally, I wouldn’t deny to anyone but a murderer…I like making money. Then again, I’m not religious, either.

I do. I just keep it in proper context and know what the law states.

You seriously believe that? Oh. My. God.

Silly, childish response to stuff that you can’t handle. Grow some backbone and take personal responsibility for your emotions. Someone said a mean word. Get over it.

A label. Oooo!!! And no, I don’t fear any gay people.

Yup, tyrant means oppressive. You know fifth grade definitions, good! Making anyone do what they don’t wish is oppressive.

Nope. US law applies to us in the US. Our Constitution does not protect your feelings.


I can’t roll my eyes any harder.

That is so very true.

No, people just pretend things are much worse than they are for the sake of pushing their ideals.


Or people pretend things are much better than they are for the sake of pushing their ideals.

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Considering the wide range of countries people playing on NA could be from, a naïve view indeed.

your entier post and argumet is summed up as “but law this” and “but legal that” and shock, this isn’t a court, nor is it America. This has nothing to do with legalities and everything to do with morality and LGBT reprisentation matters that are global and not confined to America. Stop trying to enforce you legal system which dose not even apply to me into this subject.


  1. not based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.

It’s not moraly right to refuse sale to someone for their sexuality and thus unjust. Laws don’t matter, laws change across countries. Infact they change even across american states.


law again, Irrelevent.

Means opressive ruler. pretty sure a few kids on twitter don’t rule anything.

law again, Irrelevent.

And to clarify your exact words were…

I then proved factual evidence that there is infact such a thing as Hate speech. It may not be an american law but thats Irrelevent and was never claimed to be. But it is very much a thing. proving, you are wrong as a fact.

Morality is based on individual views. The baker in question viewed homosexuality as immoral. I’m not sure why you are using it as an example though if you are just going to dismiss the laws that the person in question operates under. If you want to dismiss those laws, you need to find an example from your own country.

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He believes homosexuality is immoral because he believes ancient fan fic about some dude’s OC named Jesus. He’s a silly goose, but the constitution protects silly geese just like it protects mass murderers’ right to acquire the means of their rampages.

These things will likely change in time.

Well I agree about the religion thing but yes, the constitution protects him, just like it protects you.

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you’re missing the point compleatly, it was widely reguarded as a hateful thing to do and they were publically shamed for it and lost a lot of money over it. The law in this situation dosen’t matter even though they had the legal right to do it, they suffered for it because actions do have consiquences. And most people don’t like and don’t want to support homophopbia.

That was the point of this very very derailed topic.