Please don't add forced lgbt representation

I thought this tread needed something chill
Look at this chill monkey


No. It’s easy to say because in the grand scheme of things it’s doesn’t matter. If something is good it should be praised. If something is bad it should not be. Easy to compute.

Religious brainwashing. It’s basically hate under the guise of “morality”

Which term did I misuse?

And how is your form of brainwashing not brainwashing? On what principles do you stand, that is moral?

One is biology the other is some ancient dude’s D&D logs that have been turned into a religion.

Amazing. You do you, you little monkey man of relaxation!

Made no sense.

Do you take constructive criticism on your name?

Accountability for discrimination.

Freedom so speech does not let you act like an jerk with no consiquences. You hate on customers because of their sexuality, people will see you for the homophobe you are and not shop there.

Noone is making anyone bow down to anything, stop over exagerating. If you act like a hatefull jerk people won’t like it, they are repercussions to discriminating against people who have done nothing wrong.
Stop trying to pretend that getting called out for it isn’t justified.

I’m not American.
google Hate speech, its a thing.


There’s something other than American?

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We’re not talking human rights. We’re talking about having a gay character in a videogame in a society that is already accepting of gay people for the most part.
If this were a game involving a lot of romances and relationships and people were being underrepresented I could see it. But it’s not, the relationships that are in WoW are more or less just token-pieces.

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It doesn’t matter what they add to the lore or game when the community is weak anyways. I just get bored of the safe space and victim complexes as if bedroom habits define the value of a human being.

WoW romances? I mean, the biggest ship has been Anduin and Wrathion and it has plenty of acceptance if fanfiction has anything to say about it.

Then it wouldn’t bother you if they add one or two. Since it’s just token-pieces to you.

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They have. And no it wouldn’t if it were proportional and felt natural.

Pretty sure they debunked that ship as not canon.

Well, yeah. Player fanfiction doesn’t always become set-in-stone lore. That would just be awkward.

Like wizards doing naughty things to dragons. Oh wait…

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It’s not discrimination since they have a right to deny service to anyone. Private owned business. Just like you can deny anyone to enter your home or property.

That is the most childish statement that I have heard in a long time.

Because of principles. Not wanting to perform certain tasks is within their rights, and no one, not even the gov’t is going to tell them they can’t. “FREE” market. Let that sink in.

Oh well. Better than a tyrant. “Homophobe” says I was labeled for not serving a mob of trolls. Tyrant says that you force things against people’s will.

I’m not trying to pretend…wait. That made no sense.
I’m only presenting what the facts are, and you just don’t understand. You are reacting via feelings rather than thinking.

Irrelevent. You’re on an American server, interacting with mainly US people.


^oops. Proved you wrong, again. Dammit…

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It’s funny because the Christian religion preaches love and acceptance, but it’s constantly used by nasty people as justification for hate.