Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Religious websites are not proof.

There is a website that provides sources for its claims. Don’t hurt yourself.

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So I guess it’s safe to assume you aren’t gay either? Claiming to be gay while saying the OP isn’t while also saying people lie on the internet doesn’t really help your case.


God dude, gay is not a political ideology, that’s why I have trouble expressing my own ways. You literally force people back underground with your stand with me or against me crap.

You are 100% directly what you despise.

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Do people not realize that when they say being gay/lesbian is a choice, they are saying the every individual in the human species is basically bi sexual.

The OP’s intent is to further oppression of LGBT people.

I’m not gay. I’m lesbian.

No you aren’t.


Excuse me? You don’t live my life. You have no idea what I grew up dealing with because I was only trying to be who I am. There is no right or wrong way to be gay/bi/lesbian/or trans. You are just that. Just because I don’t agree with most of the LGBT ideologies doesn’t make me any less bisexual.

I constantly have to deal with people on the right, the left and yes even my own community saying Bi isn’t a real sexuality and I should just “pick one”. That’s the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard in my life.


You’re lying. Why would you intentionally try to oppress your own people?

I don’t feel I’m oppressed, I feel the OP is speaking for me and a lot of others frustrated with our sexuality being turned political and activist instead of being accepted as human nature


How does not adding something to a video game oppress a people?


Sure. Just keep spewing your snake oil.

I would like an actual argument if you would please be decent enough to be capable of such.

Or have you hit a wall?

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You’ve yet to make a single actual argument on this entire thread.

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You aren’t even LBGT, why do you care?


Complete misdirection and falsehood.


You don’t feel you’re oppressed because you’re not LGBT. That’s why you totally support a ban on all non-heterosexual representation in the game.

I’m bisexual.

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No you’re not. If you were you wouldn’t support a ban on all non-heterosexual representation in game.

It’s always a choice but never for them.

That’s not what the OP is calling for.

I’m also glad that you’re deciding things for me through a computer screen. I have to share your stupid opinion or I’m not bisexual? What kind of what?