Please don't add forced lgbt representation

If you support a ban on all non-heterosexual representation in game you are trash.

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Diminishes the idea of “gender fluid”, then.

The issue is a mess, and there isn’t a clear, concrete answer, as to this:

I don’t know (and apparently no one does) the answer. It doesn’t matter.

So, they don’t deserve to have a voice because they’re straight? How “accepting” of you.


You had to create that stance for someone else in order to argue against it.


I mean, that’s a fairly blatant attempt to take seriously what very obviously intended as a tongue-in-cheek remark.

It feels very likely that you overreacted to my mark in order to pick a fight with a total stranger on a web forum in order to waste time that you definitely have too much of on your hands.

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Shhh! You’re using logic…

If their opinion is doing more harm than good, which it is, then they don’t deserve a voice. Anyone who lobbies for a total ban of all non-heterosexual representation in anything is doing a deliberate act of harm.

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It’s people like you who do more harm than good. Denying my claims because I don’t fit “the status quo of being gay”. Every single person is different. We grow up differently. We are raised differently. We have different experiences in life.

I live in Louisiana where coming out as gay may as well have been a death sentence back when I was in highschool. I came out to my closest friends and a few of them turned on me. Beat me and chased me down. It’s a hard thing to deal with but, I moved passed it. What’s harder to deal with is people denying my existence because I don’t agree with one side of an argument when there is more than one story to tell. But, you have the right to speak how you want and I won’t take that away from you.

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I’m sure it was 100% satire my guy.


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You’re not responding to our citations, get on it. I can’t wait for the rebuttal.

First off, no one is wanting anything banned. Secondly:
“U dnt ugree wth me ur bad!!!”


Whoa, simmer down there, comrade.


You should stop lying.

You’re the one promoting a total ban on all non-heterosexual representation in a video game when it’d be so easy and fluid to add.

I sure did…read up the line.

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Actually the demand for no representation is basically a ban. So yeah, they are promoting a ban.

Where did OP ever say that? All I saw was a call for it to not be forced.


Maybe you should stop tying and start reading.

Given that most of the folks who replied got the joke? Yeah, it 100% was. Its okay if you didn’t get it, though…sometimes in the rush to flex keyboard muscles, the joke flies completely over one’s head. Happens to the best of us.

I find your name and guild name combo interesting. Do you think you’re 100% right all the time? It shows here.

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You first.

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I’m fine with representation in video games. Just not as a means to appease an audience. Do it because it’s your vision and not what anyone else wants.