Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Also I think that this person does not know that they have an LGBT Thread that for more closings or open every now and then we see that they can express their right as they wish, which is why they prefer to close this thread before the limit is exceeded.

PSS… Look who is talking about this pinkie pie, look before you see who is more OP, you should stay in your bubble and think who was the most annoying class during the history of WoW.

When you make insulting statements about someone, regarding what you “feel” or “assume” based on how you see their character is called a personal attack.


Focusing insults, slandering comments based on what you think of the person rather than the topic being discussed, is a sign of ignorance and that you have lost the debate/discussion.

If you have no more dog in the fight, then withdraw. No need to go after the other person.


These kinds of threads just bring out homophobes and transphobes. Threads for asking for other game features don’t get hate like that.

High Elves…

To be fair, alot of thing get hated on in WoW. Using my own example there was quite a subset of subset of people who didnt want Demon Hunter added because ultimately warlocks would lose Metamophosis.

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None of this has been a formal debate, if it was you would have relied on facts instead of personal opinion to get your point across.

“Gay people can be in the game as long as I’m not forced to partake” is just an opinion piece that is more than open to scrutiny.

It sounds like you want a space where someone wont heckle you for the thoughts you post.

It sounds like you need a safe space.


Hating a class in a game no way compares to hating someone for who they are in real life.

Well then lets use the recently announced changes to human skins. There were always haters who didnt want new black/asians(and potential other skins) added in game. Whenever it was suggested it got blacklash. Now look what we are getting.

Personally, I say ask for what you want, if it is really something you want. Expect both backlash and praise, usually in disproportionate measures. Ultimately, there are things work asking for. Personally more gay representation would be awesome.

Not really, which was why it was such an HUGE reveal.

Blizzard confirmed there were going to multiple LGBTQI+ characters in Overwatch very early on.

Soldier 76 staring at a photo of himself and another man in the same comic to feature Tracer and Emily is certainly a hint on possibe romantic feelings.

76 actually has more build up than Tracer


If the entire game was nothing but male characters with romance included, I wouldn’t be demanding they put in a female character just to represent me if that was the way the game was designed. That’s just me though.

Given that how defensive you are and how you feel the need to attack me shows you need the “safe space”.

I’m really sorry that you don’t like my one comment and that you can’t accept my different opinion. Like most people, I like to have choices with anything. If you take that personal, then that’s a “you” issue.

Keep failtrolling.


Or you know, you ask politely/mention you as a buyer would be more likely to buy said product if it included things you wanted.

As an example, for years there were people who wanted gay romance in Harvest Moon of all things. And now in 2020 we are finally getting after realizing it was no big deal to actually add gay romance.


I mean you’re allowed to have your opinion. But, you’re wrong. There have been almost three years worth of opportunities to mention it, but no one ever did. Lots of forum posts begging for more LBGT heroes, and so the devs said what the heck and threw a dart at a list of heroes instead of any real story telling.

The intensity of your “You don’t like my opinion, you’re a bully” post kinda portrays this as a pot meet kettle sorta situation.

Honestly you seem more upset that someone thinks your opinion is stupid than I am for you having it.


I’m terribly sorry that you’re upset. What can I do to make you feel better?


I don’t need a video game character to relate to on that level though. If the game was made the way it was then I’d play it if it was a good game, nothing else needed. Good story (nothing specific), good game play, and good rewards and systems. Stardew Valley you can choose male or female with male or female hair/body hair and romance whomever you want from the eligible characters. No big deal, no representation needed, and I think it was designed that way. WoW isn’t the same though. So I don’t understand the demand, I just don’t.

love to see other lgbt people getting offended on behalf of the status quo

Not sure if this is any relevance, I do remember a few times LGBT did push around industry to make a gay film, or plot, etc…and blackmailed them if they didn’t. Pretty rough of them.

If it’s natural, it’s fine.
I don’t like it when companies force it then make a whole song and dance about how they are doing it. Seems more like they are treating lgbt people as circus animals at that point rather than, you know, people.

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Back to the name calling, I see. Good job, very mature.

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