Please don't add forced lgbt representation

You won’t if a gay npc gives you a quest apparently :joy:


You might have already done it depending on what quests you’ve done.

Ya I made a joke about lgbtq and it got removed…
Don’t want to have my lvl3 trust removed so soon!

Prison Planet… sounds like a propaganda arm for Sylvanas lol

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Sargeras did it first! She just copying deh villains!

I see that you’re trying to make me out as a homophobe or w/e the buzzword is this week for not wanting forced content. Firstly, go for it, I couldn’t care less what label you stick me with, they have no power over me. Secondly, if you’re trying to label yourself as a martyr of “acceptence”, you’re failing that, too. You’re not that if you’re trying to shun people like myself for not wanting to be included, or have a conflicting viewpoint on it. Bullying, irrational and intolerant behavior is only showing you’re a tyrant and bully hiding behind some “cause” and doing so, you should be ashamed. If you were truly “tolerant” and for the cause, you should do so with confidence and pride. Not being pushy and condescending.


AGHH… Much senseless and aggressive populism, you abuse the freedom and right that you have given yourself for your tolerance only to take other media intolerant.

What is more, they undermine the true problems of the first world, such as poverty, famine, and deforestation, only by measures in vain and by tolerances that are already exercised in a great majority of countries in the world such as HH.RR.

I don’t think you take it as a freedom of expression, and neither do you come to force Blizzard something that will ruin the essence of the game, even if you told me that gender is a social construction because of some PSEUDO-IDIOTS who think they have everything the right of reason to know all the sciences of the world and yet it would be against religion and biology and the same science as being retrograde or old only by the name of fame, fashion and money itself abusing themselves of the minorities.

Maybe. I don’t care, as it wasn’t forced or non-optional.

I like to imagine a scenario where you’re sitting at the movie theatre and you leave because two guys put their arms around each other. You respect that they exist, but you’re happy to have the freedom to not partake so you leave the theatre and wait two hours for the next movie. :rofl:


Wow, that escalated quickly; not sure who ‘they’ is in reference to.

If Blizzard want to add LGBT characters then they should be able to do so without being harassed by either side of subject.

Right, but they never even hinted he was gay until they announced it last year. For all we knew it was just a war buddy who died and he missed which makes it feel like it’s an out of nowhere announcement. There was no build up to it at all. Just one picture. And then bam, “76 is gay”.

How is that any different from Emily though? She wasn’t remotely hinted at until the Christmas comic.

Why is Tracer’s reveal acceptable, and 76’s isn’t?


Imagine what you wish. It’s irrelevant and only reveals that you can make personal attacks. Unless you have something constructive to add, I’ll silence you.


So basically Solider: 76 where I think it’s not even canon in other parts of the world, due to them blocking the fact hes now gay, after writing a whole little backstory for him, in Overwatch?

I’d rather go with a more pro-active approach. Why shouldn’t we ask for stuff we wanted added in game more? Hell, for the longest time people asked for Tokens, Death Knight, demon hunters etc and it got added.

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Not sure how many DKs or DHs there are irl.

that may be, no problem seeing Wrathion and Anduin a romance … hehehe…

but at the price of eliminating other social identities, I will say all the identities that are not LGBT sound very discriminatory and nothing original to me that many years ago showed a history and a lore of various works of art as it should be without eliminating other social identities that there are in this world.

When he’s say: Everything has LGBT, It shows a discriminatory image for everyone, and it may be more racist than LGBT discrimination was before the end of the 20th century.

something does not agree with a video game that is focused on the public and think first of the adolescent community, even though there are older veterans in this game.

What attack?

I didn’t label you as anything, You said I thought you were a bigot when I said no such thing. That says more about you than me to be honest.


Tracer was teased at being LGBT before the christmas comic was official. They took their time before revealing that she was with subtle hints here and there. With 76 it was just thrown out there. No build up. No hints. Just one picture and then never talked about again.

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There are two types of people in the world: those who can extrapolate from incomplete data sets.

Also, considering Blizzard has no qualms about adding things that don’t exist in the real world, I doubt they have much qualms about adding things that do.