Please don’t remove Hunter pets

People have been asking for that. The problem is that Blizz seems more willing to put MM into a blender instead.


Bingo. Hunters are more like Kraven the Hunter. Man and beast with any weapon against your enemy. Taking aspects of the wild.

They aren’t snipers.

Not even close.

Liek it or not MM has been a primarily pet free soec in design since Legion

Imagine saying this with confidence and being wrong

Well, if FUN was the factor then you definately NEED to remove the Pet, because it was and is not fun for me. Or any MM hunter doing anything outside of World content.

Snoz Zhi wiped the floor with your arguments for the last 80 posts, why u still posting?

We had the same thread when observers wee taken out
We had the same thread when Frost elementals were taken out

As a hunter from 2004, I like these changes.


Because that’s not even remotely true.

At this point both he and yourself have shown so little basic knowledge about hunters its pretty clear yall dont have an actual clue what youre talking about.

Hey brother, long time no see. Hope all is well and you are having happy holidays

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Imagine thinking I’m wrong.

Yep. Dark ranger (hero) class was someting that gained traction around SL end.

as lookey here…both sides have them. NIght elf and blood (or high elves now horde associated like blood elves if we must go pedantry route).

It could have had expanded races. Nathano showed you can raise humans from the dead not zombies or DK.

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Pretty easy too when you are in fact wrong.

Nah, rexxar is based off Kraven the hunter. Guess what the Hunter class is based off on.

Learn your own class lore. You’re not a sniper or archer. You’re a wildermen

WHAT??? LOL, what do you mean by “perfect and working”? The Class is NOT working as is. That’s the whole point of this change. Blizzard didn’t just wake up and say “I think I’ll piss off all the RP’ers by removing the MM Pet”. For years MM hunters have not used pets outside of solo content. And even then sometimes not. Just because you used them does not mean the majority does. They are doing this because MORE people than not, THAT PLAY THE CLASS, are asking for it.

Of course, I fully expect Blizzard to screw up the execution of this change, but the intent of it, I’ll take.

So far it looks good.
We get hero aaaaaand mortal strike back without certain pet types.

That does feel like their justification for some stuff.

Then they should add a new spec for people who don’t want pets.

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Its called mm :wink:

The class that hasn’t had pet abilities in I don’t even know how long.

Surv and bm both have abilities that revolve around pets.
Mm is literally a lock blueberry.

Which they could do anyway. Make BL baseline and make LW give pet abilities when the pet isn’t summoned. Want mortal wounds, then just select it from a list. They’ve figured this out before when they let us cast raid-wide buffs without our pet being summoned.

^ this


I’ll hold off on that Tier 8 dropping Guilded until I see it. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. Certainly not the first time. Or last.

Re Delves. Of course doing it with a Pet will make things easier in a Delve. Healing Dwarf heals both you and Pet for a start. Double Dipping. But since we don’t know what the new mechanics will do exactly, a lot of this is still supposition.