Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Asking people to drop the spec they’ve been playing for upwards of 20 years is not a viable option.

They could just make it baseline without having to remove pets.


Which would be you using concussive shot…

Its all comp based, always has been.

You would actually need to push something. Solo shuffle and rbgs arent respected.

But getting it multiple times on two classes isnt.

Everything in SL is just pushing multiple classes for mogs and not doing anything else.

That would imply Im actually quing it.

Actually it doesnt but nice try <3

IN GENERAL. I know this is a hard concept for you and you can only argue in bad faith

How the hell can you say that with a straight face? “Little Impact on the game?” WTF? MM Hunter Pets had a massive impact on the game. 10% DPS LOSS. And the band-aid change of making it “only” 5% recently. Maybe if you are only killing grey mobs that wont matter to you. But for everybody else who cared, it really was a big impact.

That’s right, pets are a general hunter ability. I know because you are bad faith you have to exclude everything but one sentence that says ‘Marksman shoot gun’ but even you have to recognize pets are part of Marksman as well when Blizzard is even trying to sell us on the eagle and all the features it will have.

They havent been since legion.

The only bad faith here is you or the alternative is you are really slow.

Then maybe you should read the posts you reply to?

Been able to summon my pet since Legion. Perhaps you need to do some debugging to fix your game.

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You’re the one who veered from RP fantasy to asking if I was worried. Maybe you should communicate more clearly.

And yet, when Blizzard has changed specs before, significantly mind you, that’s precisely what players have done. I remember this well in Wrath of the Lich King, where every single spec Death Knights had could DPS or Tank. One of the raid leads for the guild I was in was a dual wielding Frost DK tank for most of Wrath.

And then Blizzard changed it so that Blood was the tanking spec and used a 2h weapon, with Frost and Unholy turning into DPS only specs. My raid lead had a choice. Keep enjoying dual wield Frost, but not be able to tank, or swap to Blood and keep tanking. He chose the latter.

You’re making a mountain out of a molehill over this.

Or they can do what they’re doing which is also fine.

If the main reason you’re summoning a pet as MM is to provide bloodlust for you or your group, your spirit eagle being able to do that (which I imagine will be simply a button you can press to command your spirit eagle to do that) is making the only reason you’re summoning a pet redundant, and making the ability baseline.

I 100% agree with this. The forums are totally useless

My man, even you cant be this dense.

The ability to summon a pet doesn’t magically make the core spec designed around not having one

But it’s not fine. It’s an unnecessary change.

Being able to summon my pet for tanking is going to significantly reduce MM"s survivability in solo content. They’re designing this spec around group content while throwing solo players into the ditch.


It does, its litearlly hunter phantasy in WOW.
A hunter and his pet companion.

But all posters here forgot that you are a troll to be ignored, which is what I am gonna do.


Well, I think it’s a GREAT idea and hopes it comes in. So which one of the TWO opinions on this matter should they listen to? Or maybe they take the opinion of the majority. I’m pretty damn sure if they have datamined it, it will show almost no MM hunters use pets outside of world content.

Yup and Frost DK lost 2H option in Legion, full on lost. And by preasuring Blizzard we won 2H back, doesn’t matter it’s less optimal we got it back. Instead of rolling over on this stuff and telling people it’s not that serious you could join in to get back options taken.

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As I said above, if you’re worried about that, just create a BM spec and use your MM gear, with loot spec set to MM.

You do not need to be at max performance to handle open world/solo content. Not even with Delves. So when you’re doing that type of content, use your BM spec, then when you need to do your group content as MM, swap to that spec. (although Brann will have a tank spec for Delves, so he can tank for you in those)

I literally do this with raiding currently on my hunter. I have multiple specs saved so I can swap between them depending on the type of content I’m doing. It’s not a monumentally hard task.

That does absolutely nothing whatsoever to solve my problem. Literally nothing at all. It’s a pointless nonsensical non-answer from people who don’t care about Hunters but want to stir the pot.

It literally solves your problem. You just don’t like the obvious solution.

Again, I main a hunter. I’m just more open-minded than you are apparently.

Why not just move lust to the talent tree?
Also link us your main, let us see what is it you are doing.