I can’t remember how it works when it’s joining world group content. I’ll have to pay more attention. I’m always turning it off when I run into a small group I don’t join up with.
Oh no… any half decent MM hunter doesn’t use a pet anyways. People who complain about this just sound like cry babies who need something to get outraged about on GD. 5 bucks they have the same type of interactions on Twitter, and yes I said that on purpose.
I feel for you! I’s too bad Hunter doesn’t have two other specs that can use those pets! Oh, wait a sec…
It would be nice if they made this eagle thing either a 3rd hero tree or a 4th spec altogether, so MM hunters would have the option of continuing as they are now, lone wolf or no.
Are you worried you’ll now be pressured to switch to another spec?
Or are you worried about having to have an eagle now?
Dude you’re quoting is the troll in question.
The pet abilities are being directly given to the hunter spellbook themselves…
Read the patch notes before speaking so firmly…
Options are always good. If they want to tailor MM hunters towards the lone wolf fantasy akin to the Windrunner sisters, then they can make that the main bulk of the spec. However, they should also add the option to use baseline non-exotic pets to the talents just for an option. Perhaps those MM hunters won’t be doing as much dps as their counterparts, but at least they’ll have the option to aim towards the playstyle they want.
Why didn’t you read it? Only SOME abilities are being given? Why don’t you take your own advice!
Interesting you claim that other people are clueless whereus you are cluelest of them all.
I’m not clueless at all. I literally refute your pretty laughable points often.
You refute only your mom, sit.
Also why you didnt swap character to troll since that is all that you do here?
“Marksmanship Hunters can expect a full suite of unique Eagle-specific versions of pet utility such as a line of sight-ignoring Intimidation, a unique Bloodlust, new visuals for Master’s Call.”
-There’s intimidation, Bloodlust, and Master’s Call.
“New Talent: Tenacious – Your Spotting Eagle gains the Tenacity specialization, granting you Air Superiority and Endurance Training.”
-There’s your endurance training and a new damage passive.
“* New Talent: Cunning – Your Spotting Eagle gains the Cunning specialization, granting you Master’s Call and Pathfinding. Choice node with Tenacious.”
There’s your Master’s Call and Pathfinding.
“* New Passive: Manhunter – Damaging a player with Aimed Shot applies Grievous Injury, reducing the healing they receive by 25%. Learned at level 11.”
-There’s the Mortal Wounds Effect.
The only ability that wasn’t directly spoken on at all was Roar of Sacrifice, and I can’t imagine they’re not giving it the same treatment as literally everything else. It was probably just an oversight that wasn’t mentioned in the post.
Neither - I like the idea Blizzard has proposed. It’s the OP and others who are “worried.”
My only ask for the eagle is that it can be customized, and that it doesn’t need to be actively managed like a BM/Demo pet.
Why not just make pets undying for hunters?
There is not need to reinvent the wheel.
That is the only reason btw I do not play BM hunter,
that and that pets are not abilities customizable.

Why not just make pets undying for hunters?
The eagle “exists outside the game space” so that sounds like it can’t die to me.
Every time I read the patch notes I get more eager to test it. Sounds so awesome!

What utility exactly is being removed there bud???
Every single other pet ability, bite that auto applies slows, sonic screech which removes poison/disease effects, etc. Mortal Strike is one pet ability you only really run if your team doesn’t have one. It would be busted to give MM abilities all of those effects baseline.
Also roar of sacrifice diverts dmg to pet, so why would they get that baseline?

You refute only your mom, sit.
My mom’s actually dead.

Also why you didnt swap character to troll since that is all that you do here?
Because I don’t swap toons. I post on whatever my main for the tier is.
This has been stated multiple times and the fact you’re still that clueless confirms everything.

bite that auto applies slow
Concussive shot, renewed by Steady Shot

sonic screech which removes poison/disease effects
There’s a talent for Feign Death/Aspect of the Turtle to do just that.

Mortal Strike is one pet ability you only really run if your team doesn’t have one.
It’s essential for PvP, and one of the few pet abilities that we didn’t have another option covering it.