Please don’t remove Hunter pets

You cant argue with Snotty. He lives for it. Always has in any thread he infects with his presence.


Then a petition should be made for a Ranger Class to be made, and not trying to push that narrative within the Hunter Pet Class.

With Midnight being centered around Silvermoon, they could very easily bring about a new Ranger class that would 100% fit this billet and could even provide greater things for that fantasy.


Because the general tab covers the entire class with general information, even you cant be that dense.

I would be done too if I couldnt make an actual point and had to grasp at straws.

Merry Christmas to you as well!

Aww personal insults because you couldnt refute facts?

I just happen to find myself in threads with people that dont have a clue what they are talking about or people like you that get carried by gear :slight_smile:

And weve asked for that to be moved from the pet because mages and shaman tend to be too damn lazy to push the buttons they have. But we have never asked for the removal of pets.

LW exists as an option. It should stay that way. Dont want a pet? Dont call one. Want a pet, then the option is there. But selfish people think that isnt good enough. They have to dictate to others how they play.

You want to be legolas, you can do that this very second. All you are asking is taking away other’s right to choose.


You have provided absolutely no facts. Only your opinion. And as I said here and also yesterday, you live for forum conflicts. Its all ive ever seen from your posts in the Hunter section.

Carried by gear? Not at all. I’ve earned everything i have in game. From being the top 3 on my server to get Lhok/Rhok in Vanilla, all the way to now. All done by me.


I have though.

I dont sugar coat things for people who dont have a clue what they are doing.

LOL your LFR parses go from a 63.2 overall to a 6.7 by ilvl which means you dont even know youre own rotation.

Won’t Beastmaster still have pets? Otherwise,what is the point of that class? Why would anyone who likes pets play anything other than Beastmaster?

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If you had read the full article you wouldn’t have come to that conclusion.
We MM’s have a stable of pets. ALL of them will be gone.
So absolutely blizz is trying to ‘get rid of hunter pets’.

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I was. This whole idea that blizz has is getting alot of flack because it’s so bad.


Marksman already fits this bill, no new class petition is needed. If we’re asking them for a new class I’d much rather them work on Tinker and Necromancer before “Ranger.”

The only thing I think they need to do is let us modify the appearance of the eagle, so we can get mechanical themes for the gunner, wyrmlings, spectral etc.


No, you haven’t.

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MM never even had lone wolf when it was created. That came years later. So it was never meant to define MM hunter.


You can’t guarantee having a mage or shaman in 5-man or even 10-man content. Redundancy is good.

So does Hunter.

Per Blizzard themselves, the Lone Wolf talent option is not sufficient for what they want.

That isn’t a problem with the spec but with the players and/or Blizzard’s design of pets. I’ve always dismissed tanking pets when in group content with a tank as do other hunters I know. Even in the old days before Lone Wolf I would switch to a DPS pet when heading into group content so as to not pull aggro from the tank. Of course Blizzard could have also resolved this by disabling pet taunts when grouped. This is a case of taking a sledge hammer to fix a non-problem for the majority of the player base and content when a bit of precision could have been used to resolve the issues of high end players.

Hunters is not a dark ranger like Sylvanas. Why are we turning hunters into one?


Oh I know I got a hunter. I can post on her if you want but Ive always hated the auto taunt. I mean I get the idea behind it but there are so many times it screws things up. But right now its so frustrating to do things like Shuddering Hollow and watching that screw up cause a warlock or Hunters pet auto taunts and it charges away from the players trying to keep it in a corner.

The taunt abilities have already had this fix provided to them for grouped content. When you enter a dungeon or raid they immediately have their “Auto” settings disabled, and you have to manually engage the taunt ability to be auto again.

The better fix here is just for Blizzard to fix the bug that is causing this. This also occurs even if there are no pets taunting, and a character tanks the mob in those positions.


How can you say 3 sentences and be wrong in all of them multiple times?


Where is this number listed as a fact?
I’m getting tired of people posting words without any evidence.