Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Thats assuming I care enough to provide the sources to you.

I dont because you wont change your mind either way, so not going to waste my time finding the sources just for you to ignore it anyways.

You are def a very non informed hunter at best.

I guess I better purchase a race change token then and change to a troll to fit my title then. :rofl:

I mean I honestly dont care what you do, you have shown in countless posts a very low understanding of how MM works in general.

Your refusal to provide proof screams you don’t have any and its a “trust me bro” situation. As, I most definitely would like to see these numbers if they are indeed true.

Because The last thing I remember Ion admitting was that their are a vast number of solo players. Which is why a lot of systems were being made for the solo player.


It’s all it is.


Have you considered playing a Spec that specializes in having pets? It’d be wild to find out Classes have multiple subclasses that facilitate your choices in how to play. Almost like MM Hunters are supposed to shoot things or something. Man, I wish they had a pet focused Spec.

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My gnome hunter’s Marksman. I use pets. Is it the most optimal DPS build for raids? No. Do I care? No. I like the MM playstyle of using my gun, but also with using my pets. They use robot pets for various RP reasons as well.

I don’t like this change, and I don’t see any reason why it can’t simply be kept as an optional talent. I’d rather my character feel fun over my numbers being 10% bigger.


Which spec focuses on gunplay, and also has their pets assist them?


I told you how to find them. Again I honestly dont care what any solo players opinion is. Id rather play Dayz than look for proof to facts I already know.

You can either believe or dont believe i really dont care.

Then you are remembering his quote.

He said that there are a lot of casual players that play this game and they play a little bit of everything including raiding/pvp/dungeons at one level or another.

Solo players are a minority no matter if you believe it or not.

Facts dont care about your feelings.

Balancing issues
design issues
lore issues

MM since legion has been stated to be a lone hunter with no pet.

You having the option doesnt change that.

Funny, I seem to have been using pets ever since Legion. And I don’t remember anything in lore that said that hunters that use guns are magically incapable of having pets.


might be a shock but most MM players overall are running LW


Again just because you had the option doesn’t mean MMs design hasn’t been based on LW. This isn’t a hard concept.

Great change, always felt odd having pets on MM.


Cause there was no other option if you wanted more dps. But seems everyone wants to ditch pets for favor for Lone Wolf. My question is why play a hunter if you don’t want a pet?

Hunters are not Sylvanas dark rangers. Why are we treating them as such?


Because only uneducated people think being a hunter requires having a pet for every single spec.

When I ran MM, the ONLY time I was petless was in group content. And that was specifically because of whining tanks who’d over pull then try to blame any hunter in the group. Literally would be petless MM and still have them screech that my pet had pulled something, lol.

soloing I always had my pet out just to keep some of the crap off me.

Are they buffing MM for petless while soloing harder content?
If not, let the screaming begin. lol.

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Hunters have always been paired with their pets. Their class design and feel has always been hunters and their pets. Just because you’ve had the option for a talent in MM to take it away so you didn’t have to worry about controlling a pet shouldn’t take it away from those that enjoy that.

With this change, there is no gameplay style that’s based on gunplay with pets to assist.


Are personal attacks on persons intelligence really warranted? Are you in such dire straights in this thing that stating my intelligence is to the point of being uneducated?

Please move along. We don’t need your insults in a conversation.

As you put it earlier, You are now the “Bad Faith Troll”.


No they havent. MM as a spec has been pet free since legion

Even on the official website

“A master of the wild who can tame a wide variety of beasts to assist them in combat. Preferred Weapon: Bow, Crossbow, Gun”

“An adaptive ranger who favors using explosives, animal venom, and coordinated attacks with their bonded beast. Preferred Weapon: Polearm, Staff”

“A master sharpshooter who excels in bringing down enemies from afar. Preferred Weapon: Bow, Crossbow, Gun”

Even MM doesnt mention a pet at all.

Again MM since Legion has been designed as a spec with no pet.


In this case, yes.

I am not in any dire straight. However when its been explained to you multiple times and you either still cant understand it or youre continuing to stomp your feet and ignore facts

Nope, Ill continue stating facts

Stating facts you cant handle doesnt make me a troll.