It’s funny, Blizzard has enough time to completely redo MM into a radically different spec, but they don’t have the time to put those changes into a new spec. Apparently adding a new spec mid-expansion is just not possible.
This is going to sound silly:
My current pet has been my companion since Cataclysm. I get lonely when I’m doing solo content and I don’t have him out. I legitimately feel like something is missing.
That aside, my pet loots my kills for me and it provides utility like growls and stuns, sac, and even heroism when necessary. Plus, I put in a lot of work getting a rare non-spirit-beast pet specifically for my MM/SV specs. It’s useless on BM because I already have pets for that spec.
As for why I want it with MM, it’s because that’s the spec I raid with. I want to play it as much as possible so I can do it blindfolded.
Because they are the fun police. The love the nerf and shaft classes and specs. Make them worthless for the rest of the expansion before buffing them again.
Blizzard won’t add a new spec everytime they decide to revamp an old one. We’d have hundreds by now.
There was only two specs added in the history of the game: Guardian Druid, which was split from Feral Druid because it was impossible to balance it to be both DPS and Tank without making it overpowered, and Augmentation Evoker, which was actually planned from the start for the Evoker class but implemented later in the same expansion, and until then Evoker had less specs than everyone but Demon Hunters.
They won’t make two Marksmanship specs just because some want to play it as Beast Master lite.
I just reread that entire sequence, you just come with suggestions that completely ignore the complexity of spec design and potential bugs/exploits.
What baffles me is that you undermine the intelligence of Blizzard so much that you really think they’d allow the bugs and exploits to go through to live, while also lauding them for this rework in the same breath. As long as you get what you want in the end though. Goes to show how disingenuous you actually are.
Most of those will be moved to the hunter itself and not lost. You’ll lose the growl and the ranged looting.
You don’t need a pet to raid with MM. If anything, it will be better to raid with MM after the revamp.
I actually respect that more and I wish there was a simple solution, but between losing this opportunity to make the spec better at what it’s supposed to do and losing the pet, I will always value making the spec better.
They had to remove the functionality that autoturned Mend Pet into Resurrect Pet because it failed to detect you had a pet sometimes so it was disrupting gameplay.
Now you imagine basing a ton of different passives and talents into having or not a pet, and how people would exploit it to stack pet and petless abilities together.
And that’s just never fixable by programmers at blizzard? Might as well cut corners anytime anything gets a little tough then. Good company motto.
Nope. Bad players survivability goes down.
Like I said. No valid reasons yet
Have you ever worked in development in order to say how they fix can things?
Bugs exist, and the best way to avoid them is to avoid the complexity that creates them.
Like I said way way above, they could perhaps avoid it if MM pets lost all their family and spec abilities when you change to MM. I think that could work, but I doubt you will be happy with that, and it’s still vulnerable to bugs and exploits.
There’s always solutions and compromise. Nothing is black and white ever. The fact of the matter is they simply don’t want to balance Lone Wolf anymore. That’s a valid reason as any but at least be honest about it with the player.
it seems you’re going to have a really hard time swallong those changes.
There’s always solutions and compromise.
There’s always solutions and compromise, and there is people rejecting those. You don’t realise, but the revamp IS the solution and the eagle companion mechanic IS the compromise.
(Also, I just proposed another compromise, and it was flat-out ignored)
you suggest that I play a different pet spec. That makes no sense.
Different or an actual pet spec?
What makes mm a pet spec other than the pet existing?
A compromise between being unable to use your stabled pets and being able to use your stabled pets is to be able to either use or not use your stabled pets. Like they have been doing with Lone Wolf for the last 10 years. They have now decided to move away from the compromise and rework the spec entirely. That’s what’s happening.
I will say I’m glad they are offering the new talent Solitary Companion for Beast Mastery, because I prefer only 1 summoned pet at a time. And I would like to see our stabled pets be able to replace the “eagle” but I know they’re certainly just going to do like, an owl/bat/crow glyph eventually because that’s just our luck.
Put that account on ignore. It’s like a bag full of cats on acid.
Yeah there is always solutions. But all i’m hearing is still “Pets bad must remove.”
Pets can be viable to MM if they got rid of lone wolf. Or make it optional.
You don’t need a pet to raid with MM
I don’t need a pet to raid with MM. I’m not asking for that. Most of those utilities are unnecessary in that environment.
losing this opportunity to make the spec better at what it’s supposed to do and losing the pet, I will always value making the spec better
That’s a good faith argument, and I appreciate that.
I’ve already given up enough when they took SV from me. I logged in that day and cried. I will never forgive them for that. I ended up quitting the game for years.
I’ve already had one spec taken for “Rexxar” class fantasy. Now, they want to take another one for some other class fantasy. All that leaves me with is BM, a spec I’ve always hated.
I have nothing left if they do this.
I already did. It’s the first time I’ve blocked somebody in 8 years.
OP, strongly agreed.
If they feel the need to remove pets from marksman, they should add a new ranged-dominant spec that’s essentially old school vanilla-style marksman where the pet is a significant contributor but not the focal point. BM has never been my cup of tea since 2005 (I just want one simple pet, not two or a whole stable full), survival varies from xpac to xpac but only ever felt good to me in WotLK if I remember correctly. Remove pets from MM and I have no reason to play the class.
Pets might not be optimal but whatever, if everything in games was built around what’s mathematically superior nobody would play them.
I wish there was like a ranger type class that didn’t use pets.
Not a bad idea honestly, “hunter” evokes imagery of some level of beast companionship. “Ranger” or similar would be better for a no-pet ranged class.