Please don’t remove Hunter pets

That’s easy to say when you ignore all the arguments that have been made against this suggested change.


She just wants to troll. Along with a couple others here.


Which part of this isn’t my only hunter did you not understand?

There’s also this cool thing called mplus.

Yep I parsed low early tier while geared for BM.

You honestly think a 2300 player is capping out at 1490 in 2s?

Again what part of this toon wasn’t boosted till season 3 of DF are you not comprehending?

Learn how check pvp works.

Can’t complete content I never attempted. I don’t do boring trivial content. I did my 8 delves for the three weeks I was required and then never went and did them again.

Again since your reading comprehension is bad. I have more than one hunter and even then I play all three specs.

Playing for years doesn’t mean you’re actually good though. Yiu also don’t even check raider io.

I’ll take someone pLaying hunter a short time and parsing 90+ over a vanilla hunter that’s parsing greens and blues.

You’re barely a heroic raider. Doesn’t mean you know what you’re talking about.

Yeah I’d hate for you to continue embarrassing yourself :joy:

Still haven’t seen a valid one yet though.

I guess you think many things.

You are doing a wonderful job.

Warlock pets influence their toolits far less than Hunter pets do. It’s a way simpler system. Each of their pets have a single ability, and you get that ability when you sacrifice it.

“All the arguments” as if they didn’t boil down to “I’m against this change, keep my pets, I don’t care about the spec design or janky gameplay, Blizzard shouldn’t listen to the 10%”.

Thank you :3

Please stop commenting if you’re just going to be dishonest about what is actually being said.


You made one yourself by noting how survivability would go down with the loss of a pet meaning we wouldn’t be able to solo elites anymore.

why do you want a pet with MM?

you not liking the answer doesn’t mean it’s not an actual answer. that’s your problem.

Because I’ve been MM for nearly 20 years now and I’ve always been able to have a pet. It’s a core part of my character’s identity.

You didn’t provide an answer to like or dislike.


How many elites have you ever tried to kill without your pet?

Because a huge percentage of them is perfectly killable if you use your kit well, especially after the Dragonflight revamp made the Hunter defense kit way better.

Of the ones that aren’t, most of them are imune to taunts, have AoE effects that hit you along with your pet or do so much damage that your pet don’t last long.

There’s a tiny number of elites that are killable with pets but not without.

And I bet that number will go down once MM gets the revamp, since it solves a lot of problems with the spec and gives you some pet abilities.

It’s pretty telling that I’ve provided alternatives that give everybody what they want, but that’s still not good enough for the peanut gallery. Because they don’t actually care about Hunter gameplay or fantasy. They see people passionate about the game and their only response is to come in and attack us.


Every time you “provide alternatives”, you ignore any design flaws pointed out in response. If there was a simple solution, Blizzard would have considered it.

You call yourself a Hunter, but you are unfamiliar with the abilities called Misdirection and Feign Death.

Most of those AOE effects have a range limit that you can exceed, and if they can kill my pet, then I can just bring it back before they get to me.

MM Hunter survivability in solo content is going to take a massive nosedive without a pet.


You haven’t pointed out anything. You just keep giving vague responses about it being “janky” without actually saying anything.

Also? One of my alternatives was a completely separate specialization. You would get your petless spec and MM could stay as it is. Everybody gets what they want, but that’s still not good enough for you.


It’s because I solo those rares without a pet very well most of the time. I have better uses for talents than to spend a point in Misdirection.

I made a whole post listing the problems with each approach. The answer to it ignored most of what was in there.

That’s not a realistic approach, and yet you say as if it was simple. Blizzard won’t make a new spec just because you refuse to play both the petless spec and the pet-focused spec.

and now you have a pet with surv or BM. most MM player are fed up with it and blizz finally agree.

I provided an answer. you don’t like it. as I said : your problem.

“most of the time” “very well” I bet those are doing some very heavy lifting for what actually happens.

This is a flat out lie. You have done no such thing.

Blizzard is already completely revamping MM in this patch. They could focus all that energy into a new spec instead. So it is completely realistic.

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Nope. Still no answer. You say pets are inherently flawed, yet you suggest that I play a different pet spec. That makes no sense.

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None of them is actually making suggestions to make it so we can have pets viable as MM.

All I’m hearing is “Pets is bad please remove.”

Question is why? Why can’t MM have pets?