But you are defending something you only know about in text form.
No idea how it functions, operates, its CD’s, abilities, processes. But you sure do love the fact that the text says that “Annoying pet” is gone.
But you are defending something you only know about in text form.
No idea how it functions, operates, its CD’s, abilities, processes. But you sure do love the fact that the text says that “Annoying pet” is gone.
Oh, so since you’re not complaining you get to be on the right side of history. Somehow us complaining makes us invalid, I guess? If we could all be so perfect and holy and never have issues with anything. It must be fun to police others on the forums all day instead of letting people vent their frustrations to a muti-million dollar company in hopes they accommodate us.
then you are playing it wrong.
if the DPS difference isn’t annoying to you, or having 2 of your button locked behind swapping to a different pet, then consider how often pet get bugged in the environment like boralus last boss or queen ansurek.
Makes me wonder why they play a hunter.
Yes, and through the text it sounds awesome. I can imagine it playing, and while there are small nitpicks (I liked Wailing Arrow’s current design very much), it fixes problems MM has had for years.
Am I?
I don’t experience annoyances. I enjoy playing my hunter.
I also don’t care to do higher level content, due to the requirements of doing the META is drives. I like picking my talents, and playing my characters how I want to play them. Even if, At sometimes, It’s considered “Sub-optimal”.
Seems like the solution is to do a better job with pet pathing instead of whittling away at pet specs.
Complaining is fine. I complain a lot, but I also embrance new things before calling them “unfun”. I’ve seen my spec change a bazilion times, and very few times it got really bad.
I see the changes and I see problems that have endured for years being solved, I can’t not be hopeful.
I never said anything about the spec looking unfun. I’m specifically upset about losing access to the pets in my stable on Marksmanship spec. That is not an invalid concern. I don’t CARE how much you disagree.
Never said you did. Rankin did, I replied to him, and you barged into the discussion taking his side. So, I justified my answer to him, and now you are trying to make it look like the asnwer to him was for you.
I’m literally replying to a reply from YOU. What??? This is a public forum by the way! You can ask for his info if you want to private message each other!
What i’m upset about too. Losing access to pets. If they wanted MM petless they should have done it in Vanilla.
Im in favor of it for 2 reasons.
It would give BM and Survival more identity
Marksmanship feels more like a solo Archer/Gunner type spec anyways and thats besides Lone Wolf being a thing
Vanilla isn’t unchangeable gospel. There’s a lot of things that didn’t work in Vanilla or slowly evolved over the decades. Using Vanilla as this perfect blueprint makes no sense, most classes nowadays are completely different from Vanilla.
What’s next?
“If they wanted paladin and druid tanks to work, they’d do it in Vanilla”
“If they wanted druids to have four specs, they’d do it in Vanilla”
“If they wanted Survival hunters to be melee, they’d do it in Vanilla” (Oops, in this case they kinda did)
“If frost mages were to have Ice Elementals, they’d have it in Vanilla”
“If mages were supposed to get Invisibility, they’d do it in Vanilla”
“If transmog was important, they’d do it in Vanilla”
We are not in 2005 anymore.
I agree and I’ll add a 3rd:
- It solves long-standing issues with MM’s toolkit.
They could add either a new petless hero talent track or a petless spec instead of ripping MM apart for the people who only do group content.
But that makes too much sense we can’t have that now can we? It be too much fun. We can’t have the fun police after us now can we?
At this point just make a ranger class with a gunner subclass. Done. That way hunter can get it’s support abilities back too ( remember nature resist aura that hunter’s had? I do.) and fox too.
It’s not just for people who play group content only, I mainly do PvP and I have a hard time wanting to play MM past 1800 most seasons because of the crappy pet pathing and controls in retail WoW.
If they removed all utility, roar of sac., master’s call, mortal strike effect, Intimidation from being connected directly to the pet, and left the pet to be an auto attack bot with the option of running Lone Wolf and not having the pet at all if desired, then I’d be satisfied.
But to just say only the top 10% of players are and have been the only ones that have asked for this for MM, is just flat out wrong; I am proof of that.
I guess I don’t see the problem. When I’m in group content the pet goes away and Lone Wolf takes effect. When I’m soloing the pet comes out and I deal with the slightly lower damage as the tradeoff for better survivability.