Please don’t remove Hunter pets

The hunter class is a wilderness specialist ranged fighter with a pet.

The ranger concept is a… wilderness specialist ranged fighter that may or may not have a pet.

It can’t be this was explained to you multiple times.

SV hunter is melee range…hunter

I see Rangers as more “civilized” I guess as in the Elven Rangers and such. Yes, they can be at home among the wilds, but they almost always have more of a cooperative feel with their other Ranger groupmates, or even in more of an organized military force.

Hunters are naturalists and usually soloists that bond with a pet companion and are way more in tune with nature and wildlife similar to a Druid.

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So you’re saying the option, As MM being the Ranger Spec, Should still exist for the player to choose if they want a pet or not.

As according to you, right there, They may, or May not, have a pet.

Remember reading lore years ago that their aspects where connected to druid like magic.

That’s how Hunter has always felt to me.

I’ve been playing Hunter for over 15 years, and this change means little to nothing. MM hasn’t used pets in PvE for a long time, and honestly, PvP isn’t significant enough in the grand scheme of things to reconsider this. Personally, I think this change is good for Hunters and aligns perfectly with how MM should be experienced


Rexxar was what I always felt like a hunter is lore wise. He is a little bit of all three specs.

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The concept of ranger is innately related to wilderness. That’s why they are called “ranger” after all.

noun: ranger; plural noun: rangers

a keeper of a park, forest, or area of countryside.
"park rangers"
a member of a body of armed men.
    a mounted soldier.
    a commando or highly trained infantryman.
a person or thing that wanders or ranges over a particular area or domain.

Please report him for trolling at this point. I cant report him anymore today lol my fingers are tired…

I agreed with you. Rangers are at home in the wilds. But definitely in a more civilized way.

Hunters on the other hand are nitty gritty, heels in the dirt style types.

No false news in math

That’s just you narrowing the scope of the class. When you ask for the hunter trainer in Silvermoon, you are sent to the Farstriders, which are what people think of quintessential rangers.

What dictionary defines “Survival” as meaning “stab my enemy and throw bombs at them while my pet chews on their ankles”?

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I’m just saying I think there’s enough lore there to allow for Ranger and Hunter to be two distinct classes if Blizzard really wanted to deliver on that.

No it wont. You can play right now without a pet. You want to FORCE others to play petless because YOU dont want to.

I want my pet and play MM as I have for 20 freaking years.


That’s a pretty good question! :laughing:

Personally, I hate wildfire bomb because it feels so out of place! And Aspect of the Eagle, I love the mechanic but hate the visual, it should just cause you to use the crossbow for a while.

They are a troll. Report them and move on.

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You are just abusing the report system.