Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Oh I am sorry,I thought the people who pay the bills and investors made the rules…like when that Blue back in Vanilla told every Warrior to play prot and got fired.

The class fantasy encompass Rangers. Stop denying the obvious.

Yes, because it’s the only choice we have. Sadly.

Sure, and I can disagree.

I pay the bills too.

Are you a investor as well? Do you own stock?

No, it’s because it’s pretty obvious that hunter and ranger overlap almost completely, save for very few details.

If you pour a few millions in Blizzard maybe they can keep the pets. Why don’t you try?

It doesn’t have to be that way. Like when Warlock had Metamorphosis and that was removed and given to Demon Hunters. They would accommodate the new Ranger class if that was ever added. I really honestly hope we get Ranger as a class before Tinker. Tinker feels extremely niche.

Isn’t class fantasy partly made up of one’s own personal opinion?

One could argue marksmen are eagle eyed sure shots, survival rely on their strength up close while using pets for support and beast masters tame exotic pets in order to do big damage.

Pets tend to be noisy, how does this help a skilled marksmen hit their target from long range?

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lol you think Blizzard has stock…you don’t have any MS stock?

House cats and dogs maybe? Lol. Hunter pets are as sneaky as any other wild animal. Prowl on cat pets would like to talk to you.

Warlocks lost metamorphosis because it was borrowed from Demon Hunters in the first place, and demon hunters were never covered by the Warlock umbrella because they were too different (like being melee in the first place).

That’s not the case with ranger/hunter. Both are wilderness fighters. Both attack from range. Heck, some ranger archetypes even have pets.

tear rolls down face at remembering my sweet, sweet metamorphasis glyph
I still hate that change. I miss my metamorphasis wings glyph.

Okay but you could say certain “shot” abilities are borrowed from Ranger. For instance Arcane Shot feels like a Ranger ability to me. Whereas Cobra Shot and Chimera Shot are much more Hunter.

The thing is, they’re not. Not really. They are replacing the MM pets with a permanent one, which has some cool new abilities. Also, the new tree allows you to change the traits (cunning, ferocity, tenacity) of this new pet. Also, if the patch notes are accurate, it’s supposed to proc constantly. I do understand your concern, though. A Hunter of all specs had pets since the games inception, and now it feels awkward not having one. I main a MM Hunter on a different server, and it will most definitely feel bad. But on the whole, I think it may just be a good change overall. What I’m saying is, don’t gripe until you try it. It may just surprise you.

Unlike demon hunters, there was never a “ranger” hero class in Warcraft 3 to define what are ranger abilities. “Ranger” is totally beneath the Hunter umbrella.

This is currently probably my biggest gripe with the change. Getting rid of pets just to replace it with a generic psuedo-pet? Nah at least make it align thematically with the hero trees, a spirit owl for Sentinel and a Val’kyr for Dark Ranger. Maybe add more race themed ones in the future like a phoenix for BE’s, a Plague Bat for Forsaken, a mecha vulture for goblins, etc., etc.

Just giving everyone a basic eagle is low effort.


Nah I think they’re separate.

It’s about principles they are removing player choice. If MM want lone wolf that should be a option not a mandatory. Petless hunters should be a player choice not a mandatory.

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I wouldn’t mind the rework THAT much if I could use my stabled pet.