Nope no nerve touches. Obtuse people usually make me laugh.
You do realize these changes allow MM hunters to not be penalized with group utility which means now they don’t have to choose.
So no I am glad for these changes because I AM a team player 
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You know like two races in all of WoW had rangers. None of the rest do…
It’s funny how some people think the only way to move BL to baseline is to get rid of the pet. As if it’s impossible to make that change in any other way. As if they hadn’t already solved this problem before and then reimplemented the problem to annoy players.
That’s both a poor and a false argument. Any race can have wilderness specialist scouts and fighters focused on ranged combat.
Guess what? It’s not just about Bloodlust.
Then why the changes? People want to lust it is part of M+ content.
OK? What else then? If you didn’t need to summon your pet, then why eliminate it for those who do still want their pet?
Have you even READ the changes? Because, really, you seem completely lost.
Mortal Wounds debuff applied by Aimed Shot?
Speccing into Tenacity or Cunning abilities without pet?
Essentially, pull almost every pet utility into the hunter?
The changes make pets obsolete. But, if Blizzard keeps pets, then they will either have to remove all their utility for MM, to not double dip into it (imagine speccing into Cunning and pulling a Tenacity pet, and not having to care about having a Mortal Wounds pet), or to disable loads of talents if you summon a pet.
So you want to turn a hunter into a Ranger then why not a separate class for that? Why change the hunter into something they are not?
Guess what SPECIALIZATION means…
And losing leech from Ferocity.
Everything except for the actual pet and the ability to use it as a companion. Oh, and we’re not actually putting those on the Hunter, most are being tied to that eagle pseudo-pet.
Sure, if all you do is group content.
You have Bloodlust baseline, and Tenacity spec for MM will include a 3% damage reduction which helps with survivability, beyond increasing base HP so your percentage-based heals heal more.
They are already not required if you have skill. I barely use pets nowadays.
Go BM or Survival if that is so important.
You are really, fervently, angered by people attempting/wanting to keep the pets they’ve had for years.
I seriously think if they developed a Ranger class, you would much love that more than forcing another fantasy onto the Hunter class.
and please, stop demeaning people by stating “You dont have skill if you want to use a pet”. It just completely invalidates your arguments. REgardless of how truthful you feel it is.
Damage reduction isn’t the same thing as actual healing. There’s a reason Ferocity pets are almost always better at tanking than Tenacity.
Oh, boy, a condescending non-answer. That’s original.
Nah. I’d rather play the spec I’ve been playing for almost 20 years. You johnny-come-latelys can find something else to ruin.
How about no? Blizzard can just remove lone wolf plain and simple.
You will get used to it. It’s not even the first time we go petless. You should remember that, if you really played during that period.
And that petless period didn’t last very long due to backlash. But Blizzard loves to forget about lessons they’ve already learned.
Can, but won’t, because it became the spec identity and the favored fantasy at this point.
The arguments just go in circles. we talk about design, feature support and fantasy, you all go “but I will be sad without my pet”.
Wow all the wow wiki sites and versions are wrong…Elf and Human are the only two in this timeline that have rangers. It is almost like when they made Hunters they wanted a term like Marksman Hunter instead of Ranger…weird right? Oh and remember that second word Hunter…not Ranger. Hunter is the class and hunters have the ability to use pets…