Please don’t remove Hunter pets

IT HAS A PET EAGLE! It still has a pet, there’s your compromise, here’s a word for you, it’s call patience. I bet they’ll soon let you guys use your stable pets or other pets instead of just an eagle!

You say that, but you don’t actually know. Neither do we, hence the outrage.


The thing about Survival is that it lacked identity. Specs originally weren’t “subclasses”, just trees specialized in certain skills. Hunters had the beast-focused talent tree, the archery-focused tree, and the “everything else that didn’t fit in the other two” tree, which was a mumble jumble of things like stings, traps, aspects and melee attacks. The Survival tree was so bad originally that it’s famed for having the worst “ultimate” skill at the end of it, a melee DoT that did ridiculously low damage.

So as the game progressed and specs became more and more like subsets of a class, Survival kept being this experimental mess while Beast Mastery and Marksmanship evolved into very specific fantasies. So, when Legion came and Blizzard really wanted to make strong spec fantasies, Survival had to be more than “all the leftover concepts of the Hunter Class”.

This revamp of MM is nothing like that. They are actually taking what defines MM and strengthening it. They are removing pets not because they hate pets, but because they were hindering MM utility instead of helping it. The cost of moving all that utility directly to the Hunter is that the pet would become even less important, so that’s why they moved away from it.

Potentially. Maybe.

As I stated before, It took 18 years for the Warlocks to get Customization options for their Demons. How long will MM hunters have to wait until they potentially, maybe, get that option?

Ok and you don’t know that they’re not going to do it, hence why patience is needed before raging on the forums. It hasn’t even released yet, and is still probably a month out till it releases.

And why is that? Because Blizzard designed the pets to be worse than playing with Lone Wolf. They have the power to remedy that and just won’t. So, here we are like I keep saying. A forced spec-wide rework that we are being force fed.

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!!Real question because I don’t play Warlock!!

Does any specialization run petless? If not, why? It’s the same idea as Hunter pets, they offer damage and utility (I think). Should one warlock specialization be permanently without a demon/with a single demon that the specialization just gets as a whole? Edit: I knoe Demonology prefers the Fel Guard, but they have other options still, regardless of if those options are correct, and this hasn’t seemed to be an issue.

Again, I don’t play Warlock, I really am asking.

The Earlier the feedback is provided, the more time they have to fix the issue or retract it.


Clearly, they’re making sweeping changes on customization as of recent, hence why Locks got customization, Boomys got customization, Ele sham ascendance got customization, etc. I don’t think it’s a farfetched idea that they’ll add a way to glyph or use other animals than just an eagle.

Try being patient, stop throwing your toys out the pram before it’s even been implemented.

If we didn’t “rage on the forums” or wherever else, Blizzard would have kept it an eagle for 10 years until they finally added an owl glyph in 19.0.1.


No they would have just merged it with Murder Of Crows and made it passive…

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I don’t care what people think of my opinion. My opinion is based off of facts. I don’t care if the people complaining have zero comprehension of how the spec works.

The difference is I play at a high end and you don’t.

Which means you only do solo content and your opinion is irrelevant.


The developers now just seem astonishingly lazy. Balancing is HARD, we’ll just remove the parts that make us have to address it for longer than 12 minutes.


This is exactly what is happening and anyone that can’t see it is fooling themselves. Look how rapidly the devs are being forced to create and rush out content these days. I thought Microsoft would be better to us than Activision, but so far, it’s been tons of cut corners, rushing, and BUGS.

It’s been an issue since legion. Just because you haven’t felt it doesn’t mean it wasn’t there.

There just fully committing to it being designed without a pet.

At this rate, I’m sensing another great ability purge coming along with the stat purge that Midnight is going to have.

Wouldn’t be surprised if we went back to a MoP style of talent trees either again.


And none of that gives you any credibility to act like you know what you’re doing.

You don’t do hard content therefore your opinion is irrelevant on balancing issues.

I get that you want a “Ranger” spec and I don’t take issue with that. I also get that we could rationalize positions and theory craft to infinity unless you are on the Dev team, I am not.

I Specced heavily into Survival for PvP in Vanilla due to the utility options and honestly was super upset when Hunter lost the ability to transition between Melee and Ranged. I will never be happy when Blizzard decides to take choice from the player.

What this comes down to is that changing a fundamental part of a spec after 20 years its gonna have opposition. Removing player choice of any kind from a class is going to have opposition.

Worst case scenario this change forces the core Hunter players into BM or they reroll or bounce from the game in favor of a pet class in another game. I don’t see this as a smart move on Blizzard’s part especially considering WoWs population is waning in comparison to last expansion at this time.

Like I said…I will be interested to see how it turns out. If the changes to MM are outstanding I’m sure forgiveness will be easier for the FoTM crowd at least.


Yep. Anything to oversimplify and cookie cutter the game to make the work easier and get the game on the Xbox game’s pass for console!

If you want to play a design that has pets in mind, there’s Survival and BM. Marksmanship is about being a marksman, believe it or not.